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Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ? Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?



@limburger – It also helps Marvel that it is AMG’s baby, where all the others are the step-kids they got in the divorce of FFG, so probably not the flavour of the month.

Armada has gone to the same boarding school that Imperial Assault was sent to.  That game is reportedly still selling quite well, in some places.  Both are cheap money for whichever division of Asmodee is responsible for them as no developers, designers, editors and playtesters, are currently involved.

If they are going to do a big push on X-Wing, I’d expect that around the time when the SW: Rogue Squadron film by Patty Jenkins comes out, currently planned to be Christmas 2023. That would feature the craft and crews from that film, and would be developed and produced along side the movie, like The Force Awakens.

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