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Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ? Reply To: Star Wars Armada is dead …… Sort of … what about X-wing and Legion ?


Cult of Games Member

We do have to be careful with creating a ‘death spiral’ for a game by hammering on the ‘x is dead because there is no new stuff’ line of thought.

However that is the eternal question for games in general isn’t it ?
How much ‘new’ stuff does a game need to be considered ‘alive’ ?
What do we need from a company to grow the community ?

Bloodbowl was kept alive because the fans were passionate about it.
Maybe Armada / Xwing / Legion / Imperial Assault aren’t as passionate ?

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