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Reply To: A Multitude of Horus Heresy Starter Boxes sent to YouTube creators

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion A Multitude of Horus Heresy Starter Boxes sent to YouTube creators Reply To: A Multitude of Horus Heresy Starter Boxes sent to YouTube creators




Honestly it is like a bunch of old women moaning about how good the old days where. Which I might add you view with rose tinted glasses. The only aspect that changed in the hobby is you got old and grumpy. You want to know the reality as mind blow and amazing as the original rogue trade 40k book was it was next to impossible to play. It was not a great system. As for codex they came out in 2nd edition in the mid 1990’s so I have no idea what reality you think we had single book systems in. You are living in this past which you made up and trying to hold GW to some mytical point in your childhood which never existed.

We live in a world where games have tons of DLC content, where we do get updates, refreshes, new content, new models all the time. The worlds that are created are living breathing events which move forward. We are no longer stuck with static broken rules which dont changes until the new rule set gets released in 5 years time.

The most amazing aspect is you are moaning about HH a game which is based on the 7th Edition which has not changed. If you what a static game you should be jumping all over this game because it is going to feature the same 18 legions all figthing each other over and over again. This if you think about is you dream game stuck in the past with new exciting plastic models.

Honestly I feel such despair that the generation that I knew had such excitement at the new models and sets coming out now seem to do nothing but spread negativity and try and suck the fun out of it for everyone else. What a damn generation we end up being where we just moaning stuck in the past rather than retain the wide eyed excitement of new products.


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