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Reply To: Kickstarter rising costs, the end to big box games What will the future be ?

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Kickstarter rising costs, the end to big box games What will the future be ? Reply To: Kickstarter rising costs, the end to big box games What will the future be ?



Well if you read the article.

“The “container surge” that many have been expecting from Shanghai (thought to be building during the lockdowns) appears to have mostly already been rerouted through the Port of Ningbo (yellow). With access to the Port of Shanghai being largely blocked due to landside restrictions (i.e., road closures), shippers were quick to reroute volumes through the closest alternate major port to the Port of Shanghai (red). ”


Why does anyone thing companies are just going to halt everything and wait for China to lift restrictions.   They arent.  They have been working hard the last few years doing nothing but setting up alternative routes for their products.  They learn.  They adapt.   Lol.

In fact most companies have now developed more rebust shipping procedures during these trying times, back up plans and back up back up plans.

All I am saying is the more things change, the more the stay the same.   Big box games may see a drop for awhile, but they will come back.  Where there is money there are ways.



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