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I’d say so, although in part it is the area where there is more discussion to be had, and that is a part of the hobby for many.  The trouble is it tends to drown out any other discussion and warp it, in general, something like legion for the non-tournament style game balance is good enough that it doesn’t warrant a discussion about rules issues or balance.  Tournament players though will always focus on efficiency, reliability, and optimisation and that would be true if there was only ever a 0.5% difference between every unit in a game.  That then gets broadcast as most podcasts, bloggers, and active people on social media are tournament players because talking about it is part of their hobby.

Another factor is there has been a certain amount of conditioning shall we say those coming to wargames from a non-historical angle tend to have, due to games where balance is such an issue that you can make genuinely “bad” purchases which can in any game mean you just get repeatedly smashed.  Therefore you get the just starting what’s  strong question, or is the new thing “good” because people want to avoid trap purchases so they can have a game where the result is not important but at least non-probable at the outset.  I won’t exclude myself from that group, as it used to be a concern. My perspective shifted though and now its more about the cool minis, or if I can see the unit has some interesting interactions and options on the table – not necessarily good but fun.

This is why I love stuff like the AMG bulletins, Moff Gideon while it is not the best sculpt IMO looks to be a fun and interesting piece.  Fire support could be interesting in Empire even if my playing with clones has made me aware I am really bad at using it, which has its own draw.  Looks to be that decent mid-range sith light option.  That and the fact the character is just a great bad guy.  My only pondering is if I get 1, 2, or 3 units of Darktroopers

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