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Reply To: BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages! Reply To: BattleTech: Mercenaries – CGL does a shipping booboo? Internet rages!



Pretty much the reason I did not back this Kickstarter too start with. For those of us in Europe/UK it was never such a great deal in the first place, something I doubt CGL cared about too much.  The financial savings were negligible once you factored in VAT and even more reasonable postage. Yet the risks and time factor considerable. To make it work out you had to invest heavily that one had to question how why anyone needed hundreds of mechs that aren’t all that different. The exclusives weren’t really that impressive either. Also CGL didn’t need to take this to Kickstarter in the first place. The new plastics line had reached a critical mass and was they were already able to release additional boxes without needing kickstarter funding.

A  shame CGL dropped the ball on the postage side given how invested the community is in them bringing things to Kickstarter anything but a complete reversal on this is likely to sink future campaigns.

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