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Reply To: Best Youtube videos to learn Warhammer the Old World?

Home Forums Fantasy Tabletop Game Discussions Best Youtube videos to learn Warhammer the Old World? Reply To: Best Youtube videos to learn Warhammer the Old World?


Cult of Games Member

I just was able to finally get the rule book and the O&G army book. I’ve been waiting since release day for the core book.

as far as the rules go, I’ve played since 5th edition fantasy, up until the Age of Shitmar – I quit at the “End Times”.

my advice? Keep it simple. Rule of 4 – it wins on a 4. And, if you want your new players to come back, “always let the Wookiee win”; meaning of course, DO NOT try to be the gamer – under all circumstances, your friends should be enthralled into the game because they won! Hooray!

crush them – next time. ?

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