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British Desert Force 1941

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  yarkshiregamer 4 years, 4 months ago.

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    My name is Ken and I am a Gamer, it’s been 4 days since I last bought any figures.

    This project is a warning to you all, this was supposed to be a box of Perrys Miniatures and a couple of Tanks, it got out of hand.

    I’ve done a video of the collection on the Utubes and if you don’t do videos there are are loads of photos on the blog post.

    It’s a downhill slope, don’t let it be you.

    Regards Ken
    The Yarkshire Gamer



    Holy mackerel! That’s a nice looking army bud. Is an army really ever truly finished?


    Cult of Games Member

    That’s an epic force, @yarkshiregamer !  I love the inclusion of the Rolls Royce armored cars, looks like both “regular” trucks and Matadors (?) to tow heavier artillery, Vickers VIb, early Valentines, early Crusaders, and I’m not 100% sure … some A-9 or A-10 tanks as well?  I also like the M3 Honeys for scenarios later on … seriously, you’ve got this whole thing covered!

    Great!  So this army (or at least parts of it) should be able to handle everything from … Compass through Brevity , Battleaxe, and Crusader?

    Actually those trucks, Crusaders, Valentines, and Honeys could be included ins some 42 scenarios as well, especially if the scenario focuses on some of the infantry / Commonwealth divisions.




    I go through all the vehicles on the video.

    We are playing a 23 game Op Compass Campaign followed by a 14 Game Op Crusader Campaign so everything I need is covered here. We’ve draw a line at 31st Dec 1941, if it’s not in the Desert then, it’s not coming in.

    Trucks are CMPs and Bedford QLs we use them for infantry transport.

    Regards Ken

    The Yarkshire Gamer

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