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Free bits / spare part for minis (loot my bits box)

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Free bits / spare part for minis (loot my bits box)

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Anonymous 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    So the hobby weekend is coming up and I’ve bought my digital ticket,  I’ve been looking at what my Start Collecting box can build and I was thinking for  a while that if I could get just a couple of extra parts I could build all the variants.  I’ve since come to the conclusion that I don’t need to, but I was wondering how and where I’d get or make these extra parts without paying enough to just buy a new box anyway.  Then I thought that maybe other Hobby Weekenders might be in a similar position.  I’ve gained a box of random parts from 40k and Fantasy I can’t entirely identify a while back (See here for details).  I thought I’d offer you all access to my bits box for free.  If you see a few parts in there that will help you finish a project without buying a whole new box to get just that one weapon option or something like that let me know what part(s) you need and I’ll happily send it to you without charge.  I do not see me using this stuff, but I also do not want to waste it.  Maybe this is all junk.  Maybe you all have boxes of this stuff already.  I don’t know.

    I realise these pics are quite busy, so if there’s anything you want a better look at, just ask.

    Please don’t abuse this.  If you like this idea feel free to add your bits box contents below too.

    I am not currently looking for any spare parts.  However, Abaddon’s body is in there.  It seems a shame not to rebuild him, either in my hands, or someone else’s.  I am pretty sure all I have is the body.  Let me know if you see any other parts of his.

    EDIT: Is that Abaddon’s head in the top right on the head pile?  The one with the high top knot?


    I don’t have any use for these last 4 guys.  One day I might buy a unit of Genestealers for the Tyranid army I don’t play I suppose.  Left long enough in my bits box the rest might get turned in to statues for objective markers.  If they are useful to you for their intended purpose you can have them.

    Not pictured above:

    I built a walking Hive Tyrant so I have the flying parts in a box, and probably some other minor Tyranid bits.  I also built the old Kings of War Undead army box and have lots of spares left in that box.  I have a few other leftovers from other systems knocking about.  If there’s interest I might dig them out and post pics later on.


    Cult of Games Member

    Very cool idea. Lets see what people come up with.

    Pics in a moment. Posting to save text…

    I know that feeling XD


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s a shame there’s not a way we can’t collectively catalogue all our spare parts for all of us to access.  Even if OTT set up the perfect database for us, I would hate to sit down and add all that lot, one part at a time.  I don’t even know what most of it is.



    I see a few bitz in there that I have had my eye one/  could make use of. Should we send you a pm or just list what we think we can use in this thread?



    May I make a suggestion?  Those terminator storm shields – cut the arms off and you have have some cool objective markers or shields to put on walls of 40k Gothic terrain.  Same with the banners!  Good presents for Warhammer friends.


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd whatever works for you.  Maybe keeping this thread clutter free so if others choose to add their bits boxes its is easier to search through?  Just make it clear what parts you’re after.  Perhaps send me my pics with with the parts marked?  I don’t always know what this stuff is called.

    @robert Cool idea, but I don’t play 40k.  I gave it a try recently, but I didn’t get along with it, which was disappointing.  None of my friends play it anyway.  I was looking at the blank banners last night and thinking I could turn them in to objective markers for other games though.  I’ve already pulled one out to do that with.  I’m a warmachine player usually.  On any given table the most I’ve been asked to put down are 2 objectives (50mm bases) and and 3 flags (40mm bases).  I already have 8 of each I think, and now another 2 flags in development.


    Just to be clear, I can usually make postage costs not an issue, but anything overseas (I’m in the UK) might need the recipient to pay for postage.




    If anyone needs any Mantic Veerym heads or bits.

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