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New MESBG Scale

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This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  onlyonepinman 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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  • #1908277

    Cult of Games Member

    Does anyone know what the scale of the new Rohan Warriors from Games Workshop is like? The scale across the MESBG range has always been all over the place and the original Warriors of Rohan were definitely on the smaller end of the scale (probably closest the the alleged 25mm).  However characters and special troops, such as the Royal Guard, were closer to 28mm. I have a project trying to bring the world of Symbaroum to the wargames space which requires the mixing of medieval soldiers for one faction with older dark age and classical figures to represent barbarian Tribes.  On top of that, to complicate things further, I also need Elves and Dwarfs.


    L-R: Footsore, Original MESBG Rohan soldier, MESBG Rohan Royal Guard, Victrix Norman Infantry

    I have been using some of the Rohan miniatures to represent one of the barbarian factions and their basic troops are very small compared to other units in their own faction and also compared to the other factions. I wondering whether it’s worth investing in the new ones.

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