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Star Wars Legion Narrative…

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  pagan8th 2 days, 9 hours ago.

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    Although a points based battle with control points and objective markers is fine, it’s more interesting if there is a story being told as well…

    Does anyone know of any narrative missions, or better yet campaigns, for Star Wars Legion?

    Google did turn up one thing called ‘Storm Tide’ but that says ‘Changes Incoming. Check Back Soon.’ which could mean that’s it’s being modified for the rules upate to Legion 2.6… or it could have been like that for months and has been abandoned.



    Cult of Games Member

    Ash from Guerilla Miniature Games did a whole playthrough of the Storm Tide campaign on YouTube a while back. I’m not a Legion player but I ended up watching the videos since the whole thing seemed pretty neat. Not sure what’s changing, but if you wanted to see the original version in action, that’s one option.


    Cult of Games Member

    There is “Special Operations” [a game mode that focuses on small squad-level skirmishes. The game utilizes miniatures and core rules but introduces new gameplay mechanics, Squads, and missions] and “Dangerous Environments” [Dangerous Environments give new ways to interact with the battlefields of STAR WARS: Legion allowing players to build their own stories, locations, and narratives.] Both are available from AMG here:

    “Special Operations” is made for 2.0 so might need some adjustments for 2.6 but “Dangerous Environments” is made for 2.6

    AFAIK no real narrative missions or campaigns have been made yet. At least not officially from AMG.



    Thanks. I’ve downloaded both suggestions @sundancer and will take a look.

    Only have the unit cards that come with the game releases and with only a black and white laser printer I don’t fancy upgrading the cards as they will look awful and need ‘colouring in’ so I can identify dice colours.

    Before I consider a rules edition upgrade I want to try the game a few times and doing so requires buying a new printer which is a significant expense.

    Far as I know, the only products with new ‘Legion’ logo are clone wars and I have no interest in gaming that period as it means buying a brand new army… and my designtated wargame opponent is a ‘clone wars denialist’ (for him there are only 3 movies) and we both try to pretend anything ‘post disney’ is just a fever dream (although I do enjoy the Clone Wars animated and Bad Batch).

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