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Terrain for my first game mat (a spring clean and adding to collection)

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Starting this log for the first battle mat. For a while I have seen some of the guys at my gaming group have been getting mats for themselves and some have terrain for their own mats. So I bought the PWork Wargames North Pass mat and wanted to make some terrain for it. Looking up the Terrain Tutor I looked and saw what I could do and what I wish I knew when I first started terrain making. I have a few pieces of terrain from a commission I did for my brother a few years ago along with a few bits I have for a bad attempt at terrain close to when I started wargaming years ago. So first I will be putting the terrain I did for my brother and putting them on PVC foam board and some AOS bits. Also I will be redoing a hill I did decently well but I will be redoing to match the mat. The other is a Numinous Occulum I have started to work on, just need to polish the orb bit (sadly didn’t match up right). And in the future I will be working for a Ayzerite Township once I get the others finished and some forests for it.20190528_20360120190528_19280520190528_19275320190528_19281520190528_19291420190528_19301420190528_19312320190528_195205


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice work, but why don’t you to a project in the project blog? 😉

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