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The walking dead – Fear the Walking Dead

Home Forums Pulp, Punk, Horror & Weird Tabletop Game Discussions The walking dead – Fear the Walking Dead

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  woldenspoons 6 years ago.

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    I’m currently enjoying season 3 of this great spin off show and apart from Madison really liking the characters.

    Sadly there would be slim to none chances of it making an All Out War Expansion.

    Unless we petition Image to make a one off bumper issue conveniently including all the characters and groups. Fine I guess we could also ask them to shoe horn in Darryl. (And more importantly Merle).

    The fight starts here!


    Cult of Games Member

    you could always use the character generator built into the game rules already to make them.

    then go to heroforge to get the rough models made up and find someone kind enough to print them for you, there are people out there who have a printer (myself included) who could help

    or go to hasstlefree and see if they have anything that would be useful for you there.



    I was more looking for official stuff that I could use in events but that’s all good stuff regardless.

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