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Tagged: unofficial weekender
This topic contains 39 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by sundancer 3 weeks, 3 days ago.
January 18, 2025 at 9:18 am #1912328
### Start of shameless copy and paste ###
First time visitor to OTT? Then please introduce yourself in the New Member Thread and look around in the Project System. Then come back and read on…
Read all of this before you start as it will save you any trouble later.
First thing you must do is make your “pledge”. It can be anything gaming related, big or small, and you don’t even have to finish it. No, in here, happiness is the road. Have fun doing whatever it is, but it is not a race. Accompany your work with pictures or we might think you are do something sinister and just using us for cover.
You are also presented with a few questions. It is to get the conversation started. Try and keep your answers ‘conversational’, no text speak, and certainly no “basically”. This is how we all get to know each other better. While you are here feel free to tell us a story, show a picture, joke, tales of love or woe, or just add your own little bit. This is the whole point…in here it is just us.
If you have never taken part before we may bark and bite, but we also like a cuddle! It is all done in the best possible taste and it is character building. feel free to give as good as you get.
A few other things to note: NO RELIGION & NO POLITICS! Glasgow pub rules are in effect. If you need to make a better point then it is fine, but don’t take the piss. And always keep it civil. This includes no philosophy, no home computer culture wars.
Play plenty of music to go with your work. Loud and through proper speakers. Write us a playlist of things we might not have heard before.
Now, after all of that there is only one ‘real’ rule in here and it cannot be broken: NO DICKS! (Exceptions may be made for little fighting men with little plastic/resin/metal wieners)
And don’t forget the highlights of the weekend: The Weekender on Friday and XLBS on Sunday. And the little show that is the unofficial Hobby Hangout over at twitch.tv
### End of shameless copy and paste ###
Question of the week:
- What’s your favourite way of doing hobby? So not only what is your favourite part of it but how do you enjoy it the most? Gaming at home with friends? Collect the stuff and buy at trade show? Enjoy the solitude of your hobby space and build terrain while listening to audio books?
And now back to the show.
January 18, 2025 at 9:22 am #1912329Pledge. Actually two pledges.
- Not getting excited about the latest mail from CGL/QML about locked address and stuff.
- Try to work on The Broch
My answer would probably “build minis (like the Frostgrave kits) and make them look unique while listening to podcasts”
Music for the week. Something very old.
Iggy Pop being very Iggy Pop but the cover version of Joan Jett is also very… yes. Very much YES.
January 18, 2025 at 3:20 pm #1912369My pledge for the week is to get a rough draft of my homebrew rules ready for a play test at the end of next week. Most of it is in note form and/or floating around in my mind. It’s a far cry from the hard SF game I started work in in the late 80’s and the setting has shifted over time through many periods of history. The current variation is set the ‘present’.
Like so many aspects of life, I don’t have a favourite way to hobby. My taste in music is affected by my mood. I don’t have a single favourite movie. Food depends on what I feel like eating… although I do like cheese as a base material.
Anyway… back to the point.
When I have ideas for an RPG campaign I focus on that.
If I buy some terrain… that keeps my busy while I listen to music.
New armies I build asap and prime… but seldom paint them immediately as I need to be in the ‘mood’!
I visit UK Games every year (unless there’s a pandemic) and enjoy spending a few hundred quid on stuff I don’t need.
When I have the time and nothing else to do… I dig out a solo game… Journey’s In Middle Earth, or Eldritch Horror usually.
Once a week (when players are not crying off with illness or holidays) we meet for an RPG. I’m mostly the GM.
Once in a blue moon I get a midweek wargame. We have been playing 7TV and Dead Man’s Hand… Legion is next.
As you can see… I hobby in a lot of ways. And music often accompanies the solo aspects.
January 18, 2025 at 3:55 pm #1912371Pledge: finish the infantry portion of the Necrons and paint something (anything!) for myself.
Favourite part of the hobby: quietly painting in my hobby space. It’s my zen time. No noise.
@sundancer I’ll see your Iggy and raise you some Dead Milkmen:
January 18, 2025 at 4:24 pm #1912372Pledge: Get back here on the forum more (a penance I perform is add more music) and finish out a commission today.
I don’t have a favorite way of doing hobby. Well, maybe in a random manner that allows for disparate starts and stops in the same project. The best part of hobby for me is to see that good work come together and most often that’s social time. I don’t play games because most everyone plays 40K and I’m just not interested.
Minis are collected from online and at shows and swap meets. These are mostly (ok, sometimes) painted when I make the time for it. It’s turned into a more social hobby than doing stuff at home as I really have been cramped in my living space.
January 18, 2025 at 5:13 pm #1912379Favourite way of doing hobby ?
Zoning out and day dreaming about the things I want to (eventually) create/play.
I probably should do some more actual hobby so things progress from ideas to something a bit more concrete though 😀
Music you say ?
Dutch Punk … it’s a thing 😀
January 18, 2025 at 5:48 pm #1912380I have all the Dutch music I need, right here …
January 18, 2025 at 7:13 pm #1912382January 18, 2025 at 7:55 pm #1912383Haha! Well played @limburger !
January 18, 2025 at 9:25 pm #1912384Oh … and then there’s these :
I think anyone will understand the lyrics for this one :
January 19, 2025 at 1:27 pm #1912450This weeks pledge is to paint last year’s Warhammer+ subscription mini, somebody Von Carstein. Not particularly interested in the model, but it came with the subscription so I might as well paint it up.
- What’s your favourite way of doing hobby? So not only what is your favourite part of it but how do you enjoy it the most? Gaming at home with friends? Collect the stuff and buy at trade show? Enjoy the solitude of your hobby space and build terrain while listening to audio books? – I mostly paint models while listening to Youtube videos. I also go through periods of solo gaming.
January 19, 2025 at 8:53 pm #1912488*arrgh* … or maybe ‘*damn*’
I had been planning to prepare my trike for riding, but I somehow didn’t have time to do anything about it until today.
And now it’s too cold and dark to do anything practical.It’s also too bloody cold to be outside as well, so maybe I’m not motivated enough. All I really needed to do was lube the chain and mount the seat again. I also need to make an appointment for maintenance, but because I can’t take the thing on the train (due to the changed rules for that) I am currently out of options for that part as well.
It’s probably the only time I wished I had a driving license and a car …
Anyway … hobby motivation hasn’t been good either. I blame the weather for that as well. 😛
January 20, 2025 at 6:02 am #1912571It’s Monday morning.
Nothing miniature related has been done by me this weekend. Motivation is still on holiday.
More coffee!
January 20, 2025 at 3:28 pm #1912663I’m working a short week to make up for me being ill on my week off… one third of my week over. Might play something solo Thursday, Friday or Saturday.
January 20, 2025 at 9:01 pm #1912722My pledge is to take some finished pictures of a set up DBA board with my terrain. I’m happy to have gotten the planned items to the finish line and I have a few other upgrades in mind when the supplies for them come in. I’m also starting a new secret project this week. So secret that even Gerry can’t see it hidden in the project system yet. 😉
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