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This topic contains 44 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 month, 2 weeks ago.

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    Normal service will never be resumed.


    Cult of Games Member

    Did you accidentally post in the wrong topic @pagan8th ? ’cause it don’t make sense to me in here 😀


    The ‘World Scale Model challenge’ event was amazing, crowded and expensive.
    The latter because this time around I did buy stuff.

    I got the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles minis (didn’t get the 18+ variant of April, but I got every other character in that range) from Brother Vinni.

    I also got two really big chunky resin models for painting from Zaba Art. I kind of want them all (eventually), but my wallet said ‘no’.

    Photos posted in the OTT discord … I shall see if I can post some of them in this thread.




    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by  limburger.
    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by  limburger.

    Cult of Games Member


    A few more pics from the show



    Two squads of weird world war 2 figures. Including a werewolf.

    He only has Instagram and no webshop at the moment, but they do look really good.


    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by  limburger.


    Yes I did. Sort of. Had a bad RPG session last night and needed to vent.


    Cult of Games Member

    Now I want to know more …

    What made the RPG-session bad ?
    Dice not playing nice ?
    Players being a-holes ?
    DM doing stupid things ?

    We needs to know so we too can be prepared or give advice that probably won’t help, but often a good rant is all ya need.

    Speaking of RPG’s … the “Vox Machina” series is getting boring. I think part of the problem was that their final boss in the first series was too high a level so now they’re having to deal with impossible odds. The romance angle they’re adding also feels off, because that feels forced and not like something that would happen at a table. But then that might be me. Only rpg’s I’ve done focused on killing monsters and hauling loot.



    Dice rolls were bad. The game did not flow.

    Advice not required. If the game was a horse I’d take it out and shoot it.

    Vox Machina is based on the Critical Role youtube stuff and there was romance at the gaming table in that. It’s what happens when you get a bunch of voice actors together and let them run wild.


    Cult of Games Member

    Game not flowing is practically the worst that can happen.

    I wonder if people who’ve started rpg’s because of things like ‘Critical Role’ suffer more from that ?
    When you get professional improvisers/story tellers at a table things go ‘better’ because they’re not constantly having to think.

    Somebody out there on the interwebz said that those shows were to regular rpg sessions like pr0n movies are to the real thing.
    Everything looks better on tv, but it tends to get pretty akward and messy when you try to replicate it in the real world …



    Four men sitting around a gaming table does not encourage romantic interaction… not the four of us anyway.

    If they want to ‘interact’ with a female NPC then we tend to ‘fade to black’.

    Crit Role can spend 4 hrs shopping and interacting with NPC’s and barely roll the dice, but that’s not how games play out in my experience as they don’t usually ask the name of an NPC and the closest they get to interacting with a shop keeper is rolling to haggle the price.

    If you took away the ‘sponsored by’ stuff, player to player to interaction and combat from Crit Role they would have a 30 minute episode tops.

    Don’t get me wrong… I enjoyed some of the PvP stuff in the Vox Machina campaign and the Mighty Nein season, but I gave up on the Bellends Hells campaign as it was just rubbish… too much of the party getting distracted by something.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve only ever watched the cartoon series.

    The few ‘actual’ RPG-sessions I’ve watched were part of Will Wheaton’s tabletop gaming series.
    I think I’ve seen a few bits from Penny Arcade’s life RPG sessions as well.
    And like anything it’s done by professional improvisers/actors who are kind of used to this sort of thing (or at least are more skilled at making it fun to watch) it can be entertaining.

    Meanwhile the average real RPG session isn’t half as smooth as the ones hosted by the professionals.

    oh … I forgot that the OTT crew have done RPG streams as well. Those were fun too.
    I think it really depends on the players & DM willingness to do things that are “sub optimal” instead of just treating it like a skirmish game that has to be ‘won’.

    Anyways … yeah, the group I did D&D with never did any romance scenes either. It was pure dungeon crawling.
    It’s fun, but sometimes I wish I was better at the improvisational/social aspect of RPG’s.  I think the DM we had wasn’t good at that aspect either.

    I love collecting the things, but chances of me ever being a DM or playing any of my collection are practically zero.


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh noes! I forgot to make a new thread!

    Never mind.

    So, since @limburger has pushed pawnspusher as a potential Indie of the week candidate to Gerry I’m going to use this as an opportunity for a rant.

    What’s wrong with those people only having an IG account? Or just a Twatt0r/X account? Or just a facepage-page?

    Are they not aware of the fact that they put ALL their eggs in one basket? Having at least some form of homepage/blog is not witchcraft any more. And it keeps your stuff in your hands should $CORPARATION decide to cut you off. For what ever reason.

    Is it short sightedness? Laziness? Or just a case of I.D.C.?



    Cult of Games Member

    I have no IG, Facepage,  Xwitter, Twitch… none.

    I find they are almost universally a massive waste of time, algorithmically defective, and have a calculable and demonstrably negative impact on my personal mental well being. Social media is not social. It lives to suck at the teat of negativity, divisiveness and the lowest common denominators of humankind.

    Tried them all, I know I live a better life without them.

    Other opinions will vary. You may not agree with me. I’m fine with that. In no way am I trying to provoke or be trigger anyone. If you enjoy and have a positive need or use for such things, I applaud you.

    Be well!



    Cult of Games Member

    Well technically Twitch isn’t social media. It’s just a streaming service you can use to watch things, similar to YouTube, without having an account. But I get what you mean. And I do applaud you for not giving in and joining any of those services.

    But that should make it even worse for you when “people of the industry” only rely on those networks to promote their stuff.


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh, I get what you were getting at, now.

    100% – if a business thinks social sites are going to get them all they need, that’s highly flawed as a strategy.

    They will miss the many people, like me, who can’t even see their stuff (there was one recently, last week?). No, I will not sign up to IG or FB just to go buy your stuff.

    Get a webpage like a big kid business.

    Also, relying on FB for news updates? Useless. Plastic Soldier Company is guilty of this, for one.


    Victrix is a good example of using ALL available media simultaneously to get maximum reach. I applaud them for that – more so, I spend fair amounts of money there as a result.


    Cult of Games Member

    Not only is it putting all your eggs in one basket.
    Instagram (and Facebook) are so aggressively locking down their website for non-subscribers it’s beyond infuriating.

    I guess I am one of the few old folk still refusing to join the Meta-verse and let my data be exploited for profit. The sad part is that they probably are exploiting my data alread and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. I am seeing ads for companies that claim they will hunt down and eliminate your data, but I’m not confident that is a long term solution as those companies will be targeted as they present big juicy boxes of data.

    The guy said he was launching an actual webshop, so … we will have to wait and see when that happens. As a one-man operation doing a 2 day convention in a foreign country must be exhausting. I’m not sure if the event was suited for his work, because it is more focused on scale models and diorama building.

    Part of the problem is that ‘everyone’ into some form of art appears to be using the instagram thingy, so it makes sense to start there to get noticed. I think most folk don’t realise the kind of problems this will cause long term. And as we’ve seen when that one-man web-host ‘service’ went down … even fewer have plans to survive such incidents or cared about it.

    It’s one of these areas of operating a business where spending a bit of money can save some really serious headaches.

    I think that a lot of these one-man operations are economically nonviable, but the owners of these businesses are unwilling and unable to see that as a problem.

    @grantinvanman social media do indeed thrive on endless negativity. That’s why you get those clickbait video titles on youtube.
    Anything to force a response from viewers is a ‘good’ thing according to the folk creating these sites.

    I think no one has really found a solution that would make it easier to find things out there on the interwebs. Every single time a good idea comes to live it inevitably comes crashing down as the need for ‘moar money’ becomes more important than providing users with a good solution. Remember when Google was the first clean search engine that managed to give you answers within a single click? Not possible, because the system has been broken and Google is unwilling to fix it.

    I’m pretty sure that when Instagram first arrived it was useful. Then folks started abusing it as an alternative to twatter and things went downhill from there.

    Greed is the one reason we’re never ever going to have our cyberspace the way it was envisioned in those early novels.
    There is no one out there willing to sacrifice profit to get a universal system that just works.

    I kind of think that if it hadn’t been for those early sacrifices we wouldn’t even have an internet.

    OTT itself can be a perfect site for helping these small companies onto a platform with long term survival in mind.
    If only it had more power to function like the dream that Warren & co had in mind when they created it.

    I keep hoping there is a bright future ahead for our hobby with a platform like OTT to power it.
    I think there’s too much greed in the world to do make that a reality, because I’ve seen too many things become corrupted the moment they got enough momentum to make them work as the creators had envisioned.


    Cult of Games Member
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