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[unofficial weekender] Taking it slow

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This topic contains 41 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 1 month, 3 weeks ago.

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    I walk 10 to 12 miles a day for work and I could get a bicycle.

    Honestly I think I’d be a terrible driver. If my mind wanders when I’m walking then it’s no big deal. If I do that inside a fast moving lump of metal then bad things happen.



    @limburger and @pagan8th – true; I put more km on my bikes than my car … but there are limitations in Canada. When I lived downtown, the bike infrastructure was fine – even at the worst weather. -40c and I was the 3rd bike on a major commute – all day…


    Now I live in the suburbs, and there is good warm weather infrastructure, and horrible in winter. Like, impassable. My bike gets relegated to a trainer for winter, mostly; with a winter bike for the few days I can ride outside.

    Also, my ice hockey goalie gear fills my car, and wouldn’t make it on a bike! ?


    I wish I could live in Europe where transportation systems are far more advanced. Canada is crap for that.

    When I lived in Vancouver, the weather would only be snowy for 2-3 days at most, and I can deal with rain. It was glorious! But the cost of living was obscene.


    Cult of Games Member

    Taking it so slow this week I almost forgot to add the VoDs for this weeks stream XD

    Today is child free day and my wife and I will go have a fancy dinner!

    @grantinvanman I don’t know how bad public transportation is at your place but here it varies hugely depending on in what city you are. At my home town it’s passable. You can get where you want but you need time to do so. Could be way better. There is always room for improvement but in this case there is very much room to do so XD

    Now coffee


    Retirement home for gamers… hmm *nudges @sundancer* I told you a gamer community had merit.

    Retirement.. such a lovely notion. I give up on that dream before I even lament it. My dad is still working at 72 building vehicle transmissions. The mini world is a great escape from reality.


    Cult of Games Member

    Fun fact: when I last talked to a bank person in regards on “how much will your bank lend me to buy a house” he casually mentioned that “since you’re self employed we calculate that you’ll be working till 75”

    Great. Thanks. I guess.


    Cult of Games Member

    @pagan8th true for me too. At least with a bike I’m only a danger to myself (and possibly pedestrians…)


    It’s amazing how much gear you can carry with a well equipped bike and trailer.

    Like this crazy dude



    That thing isn’t a bike, it’s human powered car! Cool use of stuff.

    One of my bikes has a light bikepacking role, with tent, cooking kit, sleeping kit – but it’s all very minimal and light. No panniers even. Just a set of Carradice bar, tube, and seat rack mounts. Fork mounts for stuff, too. That bike has a dynamo hub for permanent lights, as well. I built it during The End Times, a fun project.


    Cult of Games Member

    technically it’s a trike … 🙂
    While the add-ons aren’t standard that trike is.

    I’m getting the top-end trike from the same company myself.
    (which reminds me that it is about 6 weeks since it was ordered so it should arrive ‘soon(tm)’ I think. May have to check on that)

    Dynamo hubs are da bomb. I got one on my recumbent bike. Not having to think about turning the light on is so nice. It also has zero drag compared to the ones that get on the rim of a tyre. My current trike had the latter and it does suck the energy out of you when in use.

    Oh … the one time I could have used a car is to bring my trike in for repair. Still need to figure out how to transport it now that trains technically don’t allow bikes any more. Even folding bikes got a maximum size limitation.
    Considering that there is no limit on luggage … that’s discrimination.

    Did I mention that I can fold my (current) trike ? I haven’t done it in a long time, so I suspect the main hinge is kind of stuck.



    Very neat. I used to have several Bromptons, one of which I took to Australia to ride around on. It was awesome to see Melbourne that way.



    Back from my short break and my only gaming purchase was a T-Rex…


    Although it’s not a real gaming miniature… I figured at £5.49 it was a bargain for a 4 inch tall killing machine.


    Cult of Games Member

    anything is a gaming miniature the moment you use it in games … (or think you’ve got a use for it in a game).

    toy shops and pound shops/ dollar stores / or local equivalent are excellent hunting grounds for things when thinking outside of the box.

    I wonder if there are any other dinos in that range that could be fun as monsters in games.



    I got that in The Range and the only other Jurassic World was a ‘Dinosaur Casting Kit’ and a ‘Fossil Dig Kit’.

    Not found any other dinos in the range with a google search, but there must be other dino toys. That one appealed because it was unpainted.


    Cult of Games Member

    Schleich (sp?) has plenty of Dinos, but those are probably not cheap (when new).

    I’m kind of surprised that the Jurassic Park franchise doesn’t have more than the T-rex, but then again I didn’t know that thing was out there at all.



    I had a bit of a search around the internet and found some dinosaurs by Tamiya that look pretty good. They’re 1/35 scale, so a little larger than most RPG and skirmish minatures, but that just makes them more intimidating.

    Prices on Ebay are pretty good. I like the Raptors box (6 of them at 100mm long) or Mezozoic Creatures which includes an ‘Adolescent T-Rex’, a big crocodile (plus 4 other creatures). Those sets are only £11.95 or 12.95 respectively.



    Cult of Games Member

    Oh, I forgot about this thread. Apologies. I was away for Friday and Saturday to the island of Spiekeroog with the family and there was zero internet use on my side.

    That felt refreshing!

    Now I’m back home, have caught up with most of the videos. I might now be able to listen to some podcasts and do some hobby. After I cleared the “time of work to do things at home” list XD

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