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Website issue, why is trying to use/send audio when there is no audio stream?

Home Forums Technical Support Website issue, why is trying to use/send audio when there is no audio stream?

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  koraski 6 years ago.

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    The BeastsOfWar website seems to be trying to send an audio signal or is using some component that is attempting to use audio even when there is no audio being streamed.   I see this with Microsoft Edge and the Vivaldi browsers (I refuse to use Chrome but on a Virtual Machine I can see the issue is there with Chrome as well)

    Why is this an issue?  Because on Windows it keeps the audio driver active and prevents my PC from going to sleep.  Plus it is using bandwidth when it should not be.   My ultimate solution is to simply shutdown the BoW webpage instead of keeping it open in a tab.   Very annoying.  While I have a work around it took me some time to figure why my PC was no longer going to sleep.  Now I know I just shutdown BoW.  Of all the 22 various tabs I keep open on my browser from various 3D printing and board game websites and even youtube, your page seems to be the culprit.  Hope someone can take a look.



    Strange one 🙂


    Does it effect every page?


    Do you have ads turned on or off? (if you are a backstager)


    I’m wondering what component would open a connection and can only think of one of the video players.



    @warzan.  I will do some additional testing.  I can post a video where you can see audio is trying to come down although there is no sound you can see the signal.  It will just take me some time as we are doing holiday stuff at the house at the moment.


    Cult of Games Member

    The issue also cropped up on my windows phone last night.

    I wasn’t logged in at the time but while listening to an audible book I opened the beast of war website and was kicked out of the book due to site forcing my audio into exclusive mode. When I closed the site it fixed the issue.

    Currently it is working again, so you may have already fixed the issue. But maybe that information is helpful.



    @warzan. It happens even just at the home page.  I am a back stager and the issue is there with ads on or off.  If you see the picture I have enclosed, you will see a little green sliver.  That is audio being sent.  It may just be white noise, but it is sending something.  On Windows 10 it keeps my PC from going to sleep.  Which makes sense for when I am streaming Pandora.  The screen saver kicks in and the music plays in the background.  As I said, my work around is to close the tab.  Same issue if I am using Vivaldi Browser so I suspect some embedded component perhaps as part of the website build with Bootstrap.  Maybe part of some add rotation component or something being pulled from a public library.  No idea, just giving you new info.  Again, no sound being played, but it keeps the PC from going to sleep.  Soon as I close your website, audio goes away and PC is happy to automatically sleep when the timer kicks in.




    Maybe aliens are sending data hidden in the audio data, like in Contact?


    The signal also might be the very first evidence of the future AI god, kind of like a “at rest” EKG signal seen in the brainwaves of comatose people. We need to monitor it to see if it gets stronger and or more complex over time which would mean it’s evolving…

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