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WIP heat sink towers for Necromunda

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  alfonsothetraitor 7 hours, 54 minutes ago.

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  • #1910412

    IMG_0262IMG_0263IMG_0264IMG_0265IMG_0266Started working on my heat sink towers for Necromunda .
    Really easy and quick. Glue together some tubes together using 2 in foam that I carved out to add support to the joint and allowed to dry. Then applied the first coat of watered down premade joint compound and allowed to dry. The second layer I allowed to dry half way and made random texture using the 2in brush I applied the joint compound with and allow to completely dry. This is how I make concrete. Stay tuned for the next part coming soon.


    Today I applied a the glue wash over the dried joint compound. The glue wash is mostly PVA glue a little water and some inks and a couple of drops of liquid dish soap. The glue will protect the joint compound and add to strengthen the cardboard tube. The ink will allow me to see what has been covered and what has not and the dish soap helps breakdown the viscosity of the glue wash. Now I wait until tomorrow evening before I start to sand thee peaks I made with the joint compound.




    I did a little more work on the Necromunda heat sinks today. Every 5 inches I will have a level 😉each level will have cat walks or even bridges coming off them.

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