Arena Rex
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It's OTT Weekender time! After coming back from Warhammer Fest, Ben goes through the Good, The Bad and the downright Ugly as Games Workshop revealed loads more for Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Underworlds, The Old World and The Horus Heresy.
Arena Rex from Red Republic Games is getting some new offerings this month with the release of a new starter set and monster.
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Join John, Ben and Lance as they go through your community projects on the forums and in our projects system.
Come and see what the community has been doing this week as we dive into the Projects and the Forums.
We saw some teasers of these models but now you can get your hands on the entire Helleniki Warband for use in Red Republic Games' Arena Rex.
Red Republic Games has been talking more about a new band of Gladiators which will be fighting on the sands of Arena Rex soon.
Area Rex welcomes another fighter to the bloody sands in the form of Cato. As well as this new fighter he will also find himself mounting up atop a quick and agile mount!
Black Friday Bonanza
Amazing Tabletop Deals
7 years ago
Red Republic Games has been showing off their new hero, Iocasta, who has been taken to the sands of Arena Rex to prove herself.
Red Republic Games have put up the stat card for the Tribune, one of the new warriors stepping into Arena Rex at this year's GenCon.
Red Republic Games' Arena Rex has a new female gladiator and she does not like to lose.
Sit down and relax with us as we talk skeletal hordes and building up your collection with all manner of miniatures.
Come and join us for another delve into the awesomeness from the community.
Dextarius has now ridden out from Area Rex to join the fighting in their epic Fantasy/Historical game of blood and guts on the sands. See what you think of this rather wonderful looking sculpt.
We're back with another awesome Community Spotlight looking at what you folks have been up to in the Hobby & Painting Forum.
Arena Rex have added a new character to the mix for the Zephyri. However, it's not just the new wild warrior Hroka that you have to look forward too as the mount Caho-Ta is riding into the arena too.
At this year's GenCon, people had the chance to pick up a new fighter for Arena Rex. However, if you didn't get there don't worry as Ywain the Bastard Knight has been announced for release later this year.
Previously revealed at AdeptiCon this year Valen is now going to be available for pre-release at Gen Con tomorrow for Arena Rex.
Arena Rex have now added their latest Gladiator, Khepros, to their webstore after an initial small release at AdeptiCon.
Red Republic Games' Arena Rex has a new gladiator and he is pretty wild.
Just like last year now is the time where we start to see a lot of the bargains popping up online in time for Christmas. We've collated a few of them but this is by no means all of them...
Phew it's been quite a weekend. With that in mind sit back and relax with us as we chill for The Weekender XLBS...
Hagal has been added to the Zephryi gladiatorial line-up for Arena Rex. This raging and tattooed warrior is going to be smashing aside shields and bringing low monsters with his intricate looking axe and a chipped and well worn sword...
The roar of the crowd as you hit the sands of Arena Rex just became a much more welcoming prospect with the addition of new Ludus Starter Sets for the game. There are four of them right now each featuring three different miniatures, statistic cards and a rulebook to get you started...
Arena Rex have been working on a new model for their gladiatorial combat game. This new warrior will turn you to stone as she stabs you with her deadly looking spear. See what you think of Medusa...
The amazing models for Arena Rex are now available from their webstore! A whole range of models are on offer. You can also get the Rulebook too!
The first three pot-Kickstarter models of Arena Rex have been unleashed on the newly launched webstore!
Arena Rex's wave one pledges have nearly all been sent out meaning people will soon get their hands on this game of fantasy gladiatorial combat. Soon they will be able to move onto Wave two, just as soon as they finish production on Septimus and Nero.
Arena Rex Gets Stung By Three New Pre-Productions
11 years ago 6Arena Rex is showing off the pre-production samples they have received for three of the game's combatants; the barbarous Bjarrvhit, the graceful Zahra, and her faithful scorpion steed Sereqet.
The masters of the arena are getting ready to entertain the blood thirsty crowds as Arena Rex gets their latest set of pre-production masters.
A bunch of new previews and teasers have been shown off for Arena Rex, including the impressive sight of scuttling scorpion ridden by a fearless female warrior.
Swing your gladius and fight on the sands of the arena with Arena Rex and their latest update.
Go out swinging with another preview of Arena Rex's work. This time it's the deadly Viatrix.
In Arena Rex gladiators have far more to worry about than having to face simple beasts like lions, tigers or Russell Crowe. Now they must cower before the mighty monstrous form of Proximo!
Arena Rex are showing off some of their models that are coming to the fore thanks to their Kickstarter and it's resounding success.
The arena of kickstarter falls silent, the roar of the crowd is stilled as Arena Rex, the game of fantasy gladiatorial combat, emerges triumphant!
Arena Rex is going from strength to strength with their Kickstarter so check out some of the heroes that have been unlocked thanks to your pledges.
Check out some details from this fantastic new Kickstarter, Arena Rex. If you ever wanted to fight with fantastic Gladiator miniatures then this could be the game for you.