Duck Behind Baueda Wargames’ Sandbag Bunker

September 13, 2013 by dracs

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Sandbags. Where would we be without 'em eh? Well riddled with bullets obviously. So it's a good job that Baueda have a new set of sandbag fortifications to keep us safe.

Sandbag Bunker

Sandbags have proven to be a very versatile defensive asset, allowing you to build up some serviceable fortified positions when time and resources don't allow for anything sturdier.

This 28mm bunker set will be a great addition to Bolt Action settings, giving you a safe location for your machine guns and weapon emplacements. It shouldn't be limited to simply historical battles though. Sandbags are still used in warfare and whose to say that they won't still be seen in the battles of the future?

Will Baueda's bunker be protecting your miniatures?

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