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How To 3D Print HUGE Miniatures – Raging Heroes’ Arcadian Colossus | Heroes Infinite


For this month's "how to 3D print" video looking at the 3D Printable STL Files from Raging Heroes for Heroes Infinite, John shows you how to 3D Print HUGE miniatures with the Arcadian Colossus for the Arcadian Elves.

VLOG: 3D Printing Raging Heroes’ Yakazar, Sharkman Champion | Heroes Infinite


John dives into a fun "how to print" VLOG to show off how to bring the excellent 32mm miniatures from Raging Heroes' Heroes Infinite program to life! This month, we're taking sharkmen and pirates!

VLOG: 3D Printing Raging Heroes’ Marquita Mendoza! | Heroes Infinite


John dives into a fun "how to print" VLOG to show off how to bring the excellent 32mm miniatures from Raging Heroes' Heroes Infinite program to life!

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