Historical Wargaming Comes To Kings Of War – An Update!

August 15, 2016 by brennon

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We got a bit more news on what's happening with Mantic Games' new Kings of War Historical book! We got a link from a community member, avernos, who mentioned that Ronnie had been talking about it at Gen Con.

Kings of War Historical (Mock Up)

The game will let you play with armies from all eras of History. Here's some of what Mantic had to say about it...

"Within this book you will find the rules and army lists to allow you to play Kings of War with a range of different armies from across a wide swathe of history, from antiquity to the late middle ages.

You can tailor your units with veteran abilities and even introduce mythical elements to your force. Existing players will also find some new ways to play. We sincerely hope you have great fun with it."

Inside the book you're also going to get...

  • The core Kings of War rules.
  • Lists for historical armies from Antiquity to the Late Middle Ages. Use a combination of a master list, themes and mercenary units to build your army.
  • Veteran abilities to create unique units and represent elite fighters.
  • New rules and scenarios.
  • Add mythical units to recreate legends (or make new ones).
  • Play your historical army against Kings of War fantasy armies!

It sounds great and you can find out more about the armies they are proposing over on the forum link HERE.

Are you excited for this?

"Within this book you will find the rules and army lists to allow you to play Kings of War with a range of different armies from across a wide swathe of history..."

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