Kromlech are gearing up to release their new themed Frostgrave Terrain alongside the launch of Blood Legacy. With loads of terrain options for your regular games and plenty that are designed for specific scenarios, this is looking to be a fun line-up!
Kromlech has put together a new set of Christmas miniatures for you to snap up this month! As well as the new Christmas miniature you'll also be able to snap up the much-loved Tigerwagon once again throughout the month of December.
Kromlech has now revealed their big new terrain piece in 28mm scale that is going to be coming to Frostgrave tabletops this winter. See what you make of the Haunted Gatehouse!
Kromlech has been experimenting with transparent resin and has put together a bunch of fun releases for those wanting to add more scenery to their tabletop terrain. Icicles and Bottles are the name of the game!
Kromlech had another Orky announcement this month! Orktober might be over for this year but December brings us the return of the Orc Tigerwagon for use in your Sci-Fi armies of the grimdark future.
Kromlech, due to popular demand, has re-released their massive Orktober creation, the God-Busta Megastomper. This towering creation was sold out VERY quickly when Orktober began but it is now going to be available to order until 31st October.
Fans of Frostgrave should make sure to keep an eye on the folks at Kromlech this year as December marks a return to the magical and haunted city of Felstad. The Frostgrave Official Terrain Series is expanding with brand new kits!
A pinch and a punch for the first of the month may have to be retired in favour of a Stompa and Blitz for being so quick, with a horde of green skin miniatures and merchandise from Kromlech to celebrate the return of Orktober!
Kromlech has now released their FULL trailer showing off what's coming to your tabletop as part of Orktober 2021!
We're back with the second part of our Gerry Can Kromlech Deffstomper 40K Project as he shows off hobby and painting tips that would suit ANY Ork Kit
Kromlech is firing things up for the Sci-Fi awesomeness that is Orktober 2021. We're still a month out but Kromlech has dropped a bunch of new trailers and teasers showing off some of the new kits that you're going to be able to snap up.
Kromlech has been tinkering away on a new release for those who like a bit of kit-bashing. Fancy making your grimdark knight look a little more unique? Well, you can now pick up the Odyssian Knight from their webstore.
Kromlech has now fired up their Summer Sale which gives you up to 20% off a fair selection of their range. It's like Christmas has come early, especially if you're in the mood to pick up some new terrain!
Kromlech are getting ready for another immense Orktober this year and they have revealed one of the HUGE kits which is going to be available in a few month's time. See what you make of the God-Busta! It seems suitably Orky AND the video is excellent.
Gerry Can is back with the next step on his large Kromlech Deffstomper project. The kit has been built and in this video, Gerry shows off how to add light and smoke effects into the mix thanks to Wayne's Workshop.
Kromlech has dropped another preview trailer for what's next in 2020! The Odyssian Knights are going to be striding into battle in the name of the Cog Father!
Kromlech has now released their new set of Sci-Fi miniatures onto their webstore! The Seraphim Knights are now available for you to snap up giving you a great set of new themed warriors for a bit of grimdark future wargaming.
Kromlech has another teaser to get you excited for Orktober 2021. A brand new selection of Sci-Fi miniatures are on the way and it's never too early to start thinking about Orks, right?
Kromlech has now showcased the range of new Sci-Fi miniatures coming to their webstore on 2nd August! Meet the Seraphim Knights, driven by bloodlust and eager to crush their enemies.
Kromlech has put together some new bundles for those wanting to get all of the Hospodars range in one place. If you're looking to make a new army of frosty Dwarves then this might be a good avenue to go down.
Kromlech has now released a whole host of new bases for you to use when building your next army. The Old Town Ruins should be suitable for a variety of different genres and they also come in a variety of sizes too.
Kromlech is already getting excited for Orktober 2021. Their newest teaser trailer gives us a hint at what's coming in the form of the Host Of Dredsmasha.
Kromlech has another teaser for those who are looking to expand on their Sci-Fi Prime Legionaries collection. The Knights Of Ba'al are coming up later this summer!
Kromlech has expanded upon its Hospodars collection with a new set of Fantasy terrain for you to tinker with. You can now build a full table packed with Dwarven Terrain. They have covered pretty much all of the bases with this HDF range.
Kromlech has now released the second wave of miniatures for those building up a Hospodars Dwarf force on the tabletop in their Fantasy wargames. New characters, troops and artillery has been added into the mix this week.
Kromlech do like their Orcs as I'm sure many of you are aware. In fact, you can dive in and check out their expansive range of miniatures over on their webstore. When you're browsing the store you might want some accompanying music!
Kromlech has teased the coming of more of their Hospodar Dwarves for those looking to snap up a new Fantasy army. June signals the coming of more support for these Eastern European themed Dwarves who are ready to descend from their mountain homes.
Kromlech is going to be expanding upon their Hospodar Dwarf range with a new set of Fantasy Dwarven Terrain, themed to their miniatures. These are going to become available on their webstore come 11th June 2021.
Kromlech has recently released some new basing materials for you to use, perhaps alongside the Dark Forest range that they unveiled last week? Three new sets of Coarse Turf are available for you to pick up alongside a big pot o' Static Grass.
Kromlech's new Dark Forest terrain and basing range is now available for you to snap up and add to your Fantasy tabletops! If you're venturing into Rangers Of Shadow Deep, these might suit you very well indeed.
Kromlech has a new terrain series coming up soon for those diving into Fantasy games on the tabletop. You can wander the paths of the Dark Forest with their new series of terrain come 7th May 2021.
Some excellent new Hospodar Dwarves are marching to war from the folks at Kromlech. This is the start of a pretty unique looking Fantasy army that brings an Eastern European feel to this stalwart of the genre.
Kromlech has now launched its big birthday sale allowing you to dive into their webstore and get your hands on discount miniatures from today 1st April, through to 6th April.
Next week, Kromlech are going to be firing up their Webstore Birthday which will be packed with deals and more for you to snag. Things will start on 1st April and then will continue until 6th April.
Kromlech has now released their absolutely immense range of Nekropolis Terrain for use in your 28mm Sci-Fi wargames. If you're looking to set up a tabletop themed around an ancient dynasty of sentient robots then this might be the collection of wargaming terrain for you.
Kromlech has another teaser of an upcoming Fantasy range which will be dropping in April 2021. The first wave for the Hospodars is on the way giving us a peek at some very Slavic looking stunties!
Kromlech has now released their new line of Sons Of Thor Prime bodies, heads, weapons and accessories.
Kromlech had another reveal for us this week as they previewed the upcoming Sons Of Thor Prime collection which is going to be released next week!
Kromlech has now revealed their new trailer showing off the upcoming Tomb World Terrain which is going to be coming to their webstore soon.
Kromlech are gearing up for a big 2021 but they have started out with just a few releases for those wanting to upgrade their armies and build on big Sci-Fi tanks.
Unboxing: Orc Gnawzilla | Kromlech
4 years ago 9Gerry is back for another Kromlech unboxing as he takes a look at a big Orc beast, the Gnawzilla!
We talk with Frostgrave creator Joseph A. McCullough about the new The Red King expansion and how all of the 1st Edition Expansions still work with the 2nd Edition of the game.