AdeptiCon 2017 Live Blog - Day One

Amazing Diorama For Warzone Resurrection
With Prodos in the house, there's plenty of buzz around Warzone Resurrection- and why wouldn't there be with such a kick ass diorama?! Look at the detail that's been captured in this scene!
Another great looking game
That table looks great; I’ve always wanted to do a ‘crashed spaceship’ table and this is inspiring me to integrate it into one of my existing terrain setups. The challenge is.. what to use for the ship itself. Hmm…
Nice. I’d prefer it if they spent their time sorting my KS pledge though!!!
That’s a gorgeous table!
very nice, so many opportunities for great scenarios.
The crashed ship is a cool idea for adding to (being the centerpiece of) a gaming table.
Wow, that is an amazing table! Does anybody recognize the large mech’s faction?
That’s not bad at all
Some amazing stuff.
That actually looks like Inquisitor 28mm! Not a single Warzone Model to be found, just some AMAZING 40k conversions, jaw dropping!
That’s a little too busy for me, and with everything being the same colors, it all looks the same.
Wow. Favorite part is seeing these set ups
This is great! 🙂