Salute 2016 Live Blog
Battlestar Galactica Returns To Salute 2016
Battlestar Galactica (the real old school one, not the new one!) is here in force again showing off some interesting models and a rather stellar looking tabletop...
What do you think of these miniatures?
Great models!
which club is doing this one and what rule set are they using?
Mechworld Germany with Full Thrust rules modified.
That looks very cool. Where do those models come from?
The models are probably from a variety of places, Mobius have made plastic kits of Galactica and Pegasus, but there are resin Garage style kits out there for most of the others. is a great place to find who makes what for just about anything.
I’d love to see a new game related to the reimagined series. Spaceship game + skirmish boarding actions…
Based on the ship cards I think the rules are beased on Full Thrust
It is
Full thrust plus supplements is all free to download from ground zero games
Love this. Anyone have a link to more about the models?
lovely looking models
I think all the ships come from shapeways
Those models look incredible!!
Love the battlestars!
By your Command!
I’ve love to play this! Take my money…!
Those look huge, it’s the Kingdom Death of space battles lol. I’d need a lottery win to pay for all that stuff.
Nice to see it’s based on the proper version too.
What I love about this is the attention to detail; Not on the ships (though they look epic, particularly with the LEDs in the engines) but on the additional components. Those BSG ship sheets on the clipboards (which have the corners cut off, naturally) look like they are props straight off the show!
Don’t get me wrong, those are really, really cool models – I love them! But The design of the battlestars is not from the original series – base stars, vipers and raiders seem to be the old ones, though 😉
Yes, it made me wonder if Ben confused ‘1st Cylon War’ with ‘1st TV series’, because the Cylon Basestars look the same in both, but are their pointy versions when they return in the new series. Although that model of Pegasus there is the new version that wouldn’t have been in 1st Cylon war either…
It all looks great though, which is the main thing.
I would’ve painted the fighter stands black though, to see those Vipers better.
Played alot of the galactica board game years ago, id love to get my hands on this
Someone needs to make this into a game you can buy in the shops.
Wow as some sort of Battlestar Galactica fanboy I’d love to play a game in that universe. The models look pretty
Love the models, I have a smaller fleet based on a 1/285 scale model set. I think that is right, looks good on a big table.
Oh, that’s a happy table of shiny things..
I have pulled together all the models for this in Fleet Scale. Would love to see their rule set.
Goodness me, those are rather nifty.
Loving it loving it loving it
Oh man that’s awesome. BoW needs to seriously cover this in the next weekender because this company needs to be seen!