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New Announcements From GAMA 2019

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Judge Dredd: Helter Skelter Announced By Osprey Games


The team at Osprey Games announced a new Judge Dredd 2000 AD game called Judge Dread: Helter Skelter!

Judge Dredd: Helter Skelter Announced By Osprey Games

“The game brings some of 2000 AD’s most well-known characters to the streets of Mega-City One, fighting for the shattered fragments of their own universe! Faction-specific action decks and new special character abilities give each group their own playstyle, from the well-armed Judges with their explosive ammo to the bestial fury of Sláine and his Celtic allies. Playing to your faction’s strengths and exploiting your opponents’ weaknesses will be the key to claiming victory on the streets of Mega-City One.”

This sounds like a great way to bring a whole bunch of awesome characters into one game world and since Osprey and Martin Wallace have been knocking it out of the park with Wildlands I can see this going down a storm!

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sundancerbrennon Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

This will be a…. card game? miniatures? oO please enlighten me!

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