Salute 2019 Live Blog!

Mel TheTerrainTutor Gets Us Hyped For Final Week On Kickstarter
We had a lovely chat with Mel TheTerrainTutor about his experience here at the show as well as what he has planned for the final week of his Kickstarter alongside Dave Taylor to bring to life a Terrain Essentials Book.
Mel is an awesome chap and we can’t wait to see what folks make of his terrain making tips!
Terrain Essentials!!!!!
Wish him the best of luck with it.
This book will be the New Testament of Terrain Bibles. Just saying, y’all might want to jump in on that.
Its going to be a valuable book
Success couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Crack on Mel!
Go Mel, go!
takes me ages getting round salute, old friends wanting a gossip and catch up. then theres the traders always up for a natter about ongoing gaming projects they even remember you the next year and its more folk to catch up with lol not to mention the meeting of old club mates and traders when youve lived in several regions of the country. cant beat it as a show or the atmosphere. ill health stopped me going this year and last but not next year. if you have never been before give it a go, going to be on your… Read more »
Back Mel and make him work harder.
Best of luck man
great stuff on the book.
i cant wait for this come out
No better person to put a book together on terrain making. His Youtube channel is essential viewing too
Mel is the best!!!
Mel always comes across as one of the nicest blokes in the industry. His videos on YouTube are great so this book is a definate for anyone interested in building terrain.
Already backed for two books!!!!
Saw him at Adepticon, he really is just like this when you meet him in person.
Best of luck!
High sci-fi, gothicy skullsy? Nope, never heard of that before, must be a brand new genre sprung from Mel’s mind.
All in on the book – looking forward to getting my terrain on!
Come on da Bose. Looking forward to getting my books ??
I just pledged, now I have to wait till February…sad.
Mel seems like such a good guy, I’m glad the Kickstarter is going so well. Hopefully, they’ll make all of the pages. Dave and Mel are truly masters.
I’ve already pledged on Mel’s kickstarter… Fingers crossed for those last few pages!
Wow does the guy stop ever? Also how did I miss that KS? No worries fixed now.
Shout out for MEL! Checkout his Kickstarter.Top banana of a person and really underestimated skills. He has a very small EGO but great big HEART. GO team MEL #terrainesentials