AdeptiCon 2017 Live Blog - Day One

The Hoth Open Is Underway
X-Wing is in full effect as players are trying to secure the victories needed to win the fantastic special prizes. And don't forget, the overall winner for the Open get a trip to the big show!
I don’t play XWing but I do like seeing it on the table.
I need to dust off my X-wing ships and play a few games.
Nice ships.
One of my favourite games. Great rule set, fantastic minis, no assembly or painting.
A game I simply cannot get into, budgetary mistakes would be made.
“assume attack formation, we’re going in”
What a massive experience
Where is the big show?
I’d be interested in trying X-wing. Not sure I want to buy into it though.
I haven’t played X-Wing in a while, but it’s a great game.
I think they really missed with just having a matt down. They could have had a really impressive table set up. Picture fighting over/around a star destroyer!