UK Games Expo 2022: Sunday Live Blog

Want To Explore A Cursed Empire? Dive Into More From The Folks At 3D Art Lab!
We went beyond Dockfighters and talked with the team at 3D Art Lab and Spartans Unleashed about some more of the games that they are showing off at the show.
These folks have some seriously good stuff for you to check out beyond what we saw earlier!
Well that’s sounding like a great game world to get into with gamers. P.S. did you cover the next stall with the big blimp behind Gerry in the video?
Talked to them at the press event check Friday for dockfighters
thanks Gerry.
Actually I just found it on Saturdays show
that’ll explain why I can’t find it in the Friday videos then Lol.
they had me at dungeon crawler
really cool that you can play stand alone or as a campaign in mixed styles of games.