AdeptiCon 2017 Live Blog - Day One

Well That Was Quick. The End of Day One
Today was a blur of activity. Tighten your seatbelts and get ready for tomorrow! Remember to comment throughout the weekend for your chance to win the incredible VIG Swag Bag!
Great job, I am looking forward to following tomorrows updates too.
Not one wardrobe change :'(
Great first day. If I may humbly ask, when you go to the GCT Studios booth to pick up the free Bushido miniature could you see if you could get an interview or some updates to what’s on the horizon for Bushido. Ideally, a how to play would be fantastic but I know time is limited so whatever you can do to help promote this wonderful little game would be greatly appreciated. It is my favorite, so I try to support them and get the word out whenever I can. Thank you for the consideration and again, great job so… Read more »
Wishing I could be there! Looking forward to day 2.
Do a demo with Warpath.
Great day!
I’d like to see if Osprey has anything for Ghost Archipelago
I’ll second that!
I’m going to have to make a note to get there next year.
Great reporting, sleep well and keep up the good work!
you get your selves a good nights sleep, big day tomorrow.
Great first day. Hopefully you get some games in and some rest before day 2 starts.
More tomorrow…
Should be some good videos to paint to tomorrow
Well, done see you tomorrow.
Looking forward to the next days coverage.
Good job. I’ll be watching the rest as well.
Thank you for doing an amazing job covering Adepticon for those of us stuck at home!
great work! thanks for the coverage.
Get another beer or two. I really want to see the game
Awesome stuff!
Yes some people probably played to 2AM or later.
This was interesting!