Gnoll Specialists Join The Warbands Of Frostgrave Soon

May 29, 2016 by brennon

North Star have shared more of their previews for the upcoming Breeding Pits expansion for Osprey's Frostgrave. Here we have two of the specialists you might be able to bring into your service with the promise of loot and plenty of grub!

Gnoll Marksman

First up we have the Gnoll Marksman who appears to have taken a smash to the face at one point and lost an eye. I wonder how much that changes his aim? The crossbow looks good and meaty though.

Following up from him we also have the Gnoll Templar who might be able to bring the pain in close combat.

Gnoll Templar

I think a big ol' axe is a good weapon to be using in the world of Frostgrave. Considering how cold it is we don't want the blade of a sword to stick in the sheath (thanks Gladiator for that pearl of wisdom!).

What do you think of the Gnolls?

"Following up from him we also have the Gnoll Templar who might be able to bring the pain in close combat..."

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