Privateer Press Reveal Their Plans For Monsterpocalypse

February 3, 2025 by brennon

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Privateer Press has announced its plans for Monsterpocalypse in a new blog post. In the new post, they explain their plans for Kickstarter backers, the focus of the project right now and where they'd like to take the game in the future.

Monsterpocalypse - Privateer Press

Monsterpocalypse // Privateer Press

After the catastrophe regarding the Kickstarter helmed by Mythic Games, Privateer Press has understandably taken some time to try and get this announcement right and whilst it won't please everyone, it seems like it provides a way forward at least.

For starters, Steamforged Games' focus is on producing the miniatures for Warmachine so to that end Monsterpocalypse' library of miniatures will be available as a print-on-demand service and Privateer will also offer the STL Files for sale so you can print them off at home. The idea is to have a lot of the miniatures available in the next few months with the full library of miniatures available in the Summer.

Now to the question of Kickstarter backers...

Guard - Monsterpocalypse

Guard Bundle // Monsterpocalypse

Unfortunately, Privateer Press won't be able to deliver Monsterpocalypse as per Mythic's Kickstarter. From the blog post...

"Our decision to take Monsterpocalypse in this direction was also significantly influenced by the Blaster in the room: the unfulfilled Monsterpocalypse board game Kickstarter project by Mythic Games. While we held out hope as long as we could that Mythic would find a way to deliver the project, at least in part if not in whole, we are as deeply disappointed as the many thousands of backers who pledged to the project to be faced with what is now a certainty that it will never come to fruition. Monsterpocalypse was licensed to Mythic as an independent publisher to produce the board game. Privateer is not involved with the execution of the Kickstarter project and did not benefit financially from the project."

More information...

"...while we would love to find a way to save the day for everyone who backed Mythic’s failed project, we do not have the means to remedy the decisions Mythic made that have resulted in significant loss to many people. But we went into this license with high hopes that it would inspire growth of the Monsterpocalypse player community and so we have explored multiple avenues in an attempt to salvage something from the tragedy that has occurred."

One avenue Privateer Press can help with is providing the STL Files of the Monsterpocalypse miniatures to backers of the project. Whilst not everyone will be able to 3D print their miniatures, this at least gives backers something. Additionally, they are going to be looking at offering a PDF repository of all of the cards and map files alongside any gameplay information (rules etc) so that can be downloaded by backers. This will take some time but it's another small win at least.

Planet Eaters - Monsterpocalypse

Planet Eaters // Monsterpocalypse

All of this work is being undertaken by one individual so it might take some time. At least the gears are turning and there will be some options for fans of the Monsterpocalypse game, both new and old, to get stuck back into the game that they love. Equally, the Alphas and the Triton from the Kickstarter will also be available if you're looking for something new.

Alphas - Monsterpocalypse

Alphas // Monsterpocalypse

There is still hope for Monsterpocalypse to get back on its feet which I'm happy about and I like that Privateer Press has taken the time to do what they can for Kickstarter backers considering a lot of it was outside of their control.

There are also plans for them to run a Kickstarter for a self-contained 5E book called the Monsterpocalypsonomicon which will allow you to drop the monstrous kaiju-style creatures from Monsterpocalypse into your games of Dungeons & Dragons.

It is well worth reading Privateer Press' full blog post about Monsterpocalypse HERE to see their entire plan. In the end, some good news from the ashes of disappointment?

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"There is still hope for Monsterpocalypse to get back on its feet which I'm happy about..."

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