Strange Science Hits The Canals Of Carnevale With New Set

February 3, 2025 by brennon

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TTCombat introduced a new gang to their Carnevale collection over the weekend. The Doctors are tinkering with weird science once again, giving a new twist to their machinations on the tabletop.

Theoretical Traversal - Carnevale

Theoretical Traversal // Carnevale

Here's some of the background on the new set, Theoretical Traversal...

"During the World's Fair, one of the most popular displays was led by a radical new branch of the Opsedale, given the designation of Theoretical Traversion. Harnessing the power of the rent into handheld switches, the Doctors of the Firmament can manipulate their density. Turning themselves almost translucent in appearance with a flick of a switch, they can pass through solid walls, re-emerging on the other side. With another flick of a switch, the doctor can rematerialize as if nothing had happened. Naturally, the Opsedale have taken full advantage of this technological innovation, using these devices to capture potential test subjects or to eliminate opposition hiding away."

This new discovery gives The Doctors a bit of an advantage over the other factions in Carnevale now, allowing them to sneak around in the shadows and appear as if from nowhere, ready to drag new test subjects into the darkness.

The new set comes with five new 32mm scale resin miniatures. Leading the way is The Doctor Of The Firmament, floating her way through a barrel as she hunts down her next target. Backing her up is the Apprentice Doctor with her tuning fork allowing her to distort matter in the "safest" way possible.

Theoretical Traversal Miniatures - Carnevale

Theoretical Traversal Miniatures // Carnevale

Backing them up, you also have the Ethereal Assassin who can phase through walls to eliminate key threats with their poisons. You also have the Ethereal Snatcher who can use their device to capture test subjects for The Doctors. Capping things off is the Madman who can be used to top up your various gizmos thanks to the madness energy leaking from them continually.

All of these miniatures look great and this is another neat look at the different weird and wonderful additions to the Carnevale range that TTCombat have been able to make.

Could this be the warband that tips you over the edge into playing Carnevale?

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