Otherworld’s Undead Range Returns Soon Via Crooked Dice
January 3, 2025 by brennon
Crooked Dice is getting closer to re-releasing more of the Otherworld Miniatures range that they picked up after Richard retired. Leading the way are the Undead who have been summoned from their crypts to haunt the lives of the living!
Necromancer & Zombie // Crooked Dice
Painted here by Andrew Taylor, the Undead range is led by the awesome Necromunda (Tim?) from the old Otherworld Miniatures range as well as that hulking zombie who has seen better days. Clearly, the Barbarian who shoved that sword through him didn't think about finishing the job!
As servants to the Necromancer, you could make use of these Ghasts to do his bidding. I could imagine them sneaking around crypts looking for all of the ingredients that the Necromancer needs to bring his undead horde to life.
Ghasts // Crooked Dice
If you want some elite killers in your undead warband or army, you could always pick up these Wights soon. I like that Otherworld went with a slightly more ghoulish look to these Wights rather than the classic heavily armoured variant (although those exist too). Those claws look like they could slice through armour with ease.
Wights // Crooked Dice
You could either go with this grim look when painting your Wights or go a bit more ghostly and ghastly with lighter skin and perhaps shocking white hair! A pair of red eyes staring out at you from the darkness.
All these undead miniatures will be coming soon from Crooked Dice so keep an eye out. If you missed out on the old Otherworld range when it was sold off, you'll soon have a chance to complete your collection.
Just to cap things off, Crooked Dice also shared some upcoming sculpts from Ari Nielsson that will join the Crooked Dice Sci-Fi range in the Spring.
Grey Aliens // Crooked Dice
These Grey Aliens are absolutely fantastic and do a good job of covering the classic "Grey" look whilst doing something new. I think they'd be perfect for a myriad of different games and I could see Lloyd snapping up a few just because!
You could always do a bit of genre fusion with these miniatures as well. Could aliens be the ones who are responsible for the missing people in your village? Ready your swords and torches and go investigate those bright lights in the woods!
What do you make of these Crooked Dice releases coming soon?
"Crooked Dice also shared some upcoming sculpts from Ari Nielsson that will join the Crooked Dice Sci-Fi range in the Spring..."
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The necromancer looks cool. Reminds me of Haggard’s court wizard in The Last Unicorn
I’d say he looks more like a mighty wizard that some call Tim 😉
This is a superb range. I’m so glad it lives on after Richard hanging up the sculpting tools.
Some nice undead figures there.
Nice. But why do the ghasts look like they’ve just completed a tap dance routine?
It must have been a rather ghastly routine, I think…
And queue drum roll!
I’m glad the Otherworld sculpts have been saved. They are too good to be forgotten. I love the old-style Monster Manual vibe which gives me nostalgia, and buying and painting the odd one up from time to time has been a guilty pleasure of mine for years. Glad I’ll be able to continue the tradition for a while longer!
Otherworld had some of my all time favourite gnolls design and sculpts (though others were lacking a bit in the pose department).
I hope they bring them back or even expand on these!