It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show we dive into some of the awesome new expansions for Mantic Games' Dungeon Saga Origins and ask whether or not their dungeon delving offering has eclipsed the powerhouse that is HeroQuest. Has Mantic mastered the dungeon delve and put the old favourite in its place?
The Enlightened Grace Warcradle’s Armoured Clash February Releases
They Have A Hill Troll! New Oldhammer Sculpts From Satyr Art
Grab An Epic Battles Celt Army For Warlord Games’ Hail Caesar
First Look At Victrix Miniatures’ New Medieval Foot Sergeants!
Firelock’s Blood & Bayonets Kickstarter Launches Tomorrow!
Gerry dives into an unboxing and review of the 28mm scale Great War Russian Infantry from the folks at Wargames Atlantic for use in your World War I wargames.
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at what the community have been up to building gorgeous terrain, invading alien armies and also the corpo forces that keep you under their boot!
Dungeon Scenery KS Printable STLs
3D Printing for Tabletop Gaming
Oldhammer 40k Orks
Painting in Tabletop Gaming
[The Hobby Hangout] #241 That's a bargain!
News, Rumours & General Discussion
[unofficial Weekender] Homepages and social media
News, Rumours & General Discussion
Hills as far as the eye can see
Terrain & Scenery in Tabletop Gaming
[Seb Games - NEWS] Urban War's news 28/01/2025
News, Rumours & General Discussion
[unofficial weekender] Dungeons but no Dragons.
News, Rumours & General Discussion
Star Wars Legion Narrative...
News, Rumours & General Discussion
Justin and Gerry dive into a Let's Play of the awesome new Escape The Dark game from Themeborne that was a hit on Kickstarter. Can they dive into the world of The Last Of Us and make it out the other side alive?
Join us this year for an updated three four months of wargame terrain-building fun using our Project System! We hope TerrainFest 2024 will inspire and motivate you to elevate the quality of your gaming tables and that by the end of the three months, you won't be playing with shoebox houses and books stuffed under gaming mats!
Unboxing: Medieval Peasant Levy | Wargames Atlantic
4 weeks ago 5Gerry unboxes and reviews the new set of 28mm plastic miniatures from Wargames Atlantic for their Medieval Historical range. Get a look at what you get inside the Peasant Levy set and how that can be used with your Medieval armies.
Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing of another fantastic set of 32mm Gnome miniatures from Goblin King Games for their whimsical Fantasy miniatures game, Moonstone. See what you make of these Brothers In Arms.
Antediluvian’s Medieval Range Grows With More Bickley Sculpts
Undead & Grognards! “New” Sets Coming From Wargames Atlantic
Burrows & Badgers 2nd Edition Rulebook Pre-Orders Now Live!
Empress’ WW2 Arnhem Heroes Airborne Miniatures Now Available
Slave 2 Gaming Sneak A Peek At New 28mm Sci-Fi Desert Infantry
Will New Gundam Miniatures Game Take The Tabletop World By Storm In 2025? #OTTWeekender
4 weeks ago 60It's OTTWeekender time! In the first Weekender of 2025, we dive into a discussion on the brand new miniatures game announced by Bandai for the world of Gundam and Gunpla. Gundam Assemble sounds like it's going to be fascinating so we talked to our two experts, John and Justin, about just what we could be seeing with the game when it lands later this year.
John cracks open the new Speedpaint Markers from the folks at Deep-Cut Studio, made in conjunction with the team from The Army Painter. He shows off what you gets in the set as well as how they work on both a primed miniature and one of the Gundam kits.
Gerry dives into unboxing more 28mm Historical miniatures for use in your Ancient wargames. This time, he unboxes and reviews the Late Roman Cataphracts that you can get from Victrix Miniatures.
Dive into this week's Community Spotlight and the first for 2025! We have a look at some fantastic villains, some great Ancient Greek monsters and a bit of Moonstone to kick off the year.
Gerry gets stuck into an unboxing of the 28mm Renaissance Heavy Cavalry from Wargames Atlantic that would be perfect for your Historical wargames across Europe during the 15th, 16th and 17th Centuries.
Gerry dives into an unboxing and review of more of the Goblin King Games Moonstone range. In this video, he's looking at the Outlanders Troupe Box which contains three fantastic Nordic Gnomes for this 32mm Fantasy miniatures game.
Star Wars: Legion’s New ARF Troopers Battle In Outer Rim Terrain
10mm Undead Gnils Join The Armies Of Spellcrow’s Argatoria
Matthew Bickley’s Epic 28mm Viking Collection Now Available!
Satyr Art Studio’s Oldhammer Halflings Get Ready For A Scrap
Behemoth Joins The Quirky Demon Range By Antediluvian
Gerry is on a roll and goes through more amazing Moonstone miniatures from Goblin King Games in this unboxing. Here, Gerry unboxes and reviews the Mushrooms And Mayhem set of 32mm Goblin miniatures that you get as part of this Troupe Box.
Unboxing: Valkir Heavy Troopers | Wargames Atlantic
1 month ago 4Gerry dives into an unboxing of one of the newly revamped Iron Core 28mm sets from Wargames Atlantic. Building on the old DreamForge Games range, you can now get your hands on the excellent Valkir Heavy Troopers for all your Sci-Fi wargames.
Cult Of Games 2024 Community Awards | OnTableTop
1 month ago 32Join us to celebrate the OnTableTop Community as we dive into the Cult Of Games 2024 Community Awards. Please sit down, break your paints out and get stuck into some hobby as we go through some of the best projects and the community members who have brought them to life.
Gerry gets a closer look in this unboxing at the expansion to Mutant: Year Zero - Zone Wars which introduces Robots & Psionics to your 32mm scale skirmish games. This expands the original set from Free League Publishing and allows you to play with three or four players.
Gerry gets stuck into another Moonstone unboxing, this time looking at the 32mm scale Firespitter for this fantastic and whimsical Fantasy wargame by Goblin King Games.
It's OTTWeekender time! In this week's show, the team get stuck into the big reveals from Battlefront Miniatures for Flames Of War! Their 15mm World War 2 wargame is going to be getting some great expansions but most importantly, a BIG new released of Early War books AND loads of new plastic miniatures.