If you're looking for a new Samurai wargame in 28mm set during the period, 1543 to 1615 AD then you might want to take a peek at Helion Wargames' Bushidan from author, Pauli Kidd.
WoFun Games continue to expand their ranges and this time around it's not a set of flats for warfare but rather the scenery you need to build your dioramas or play out your tabletop games of warfare in the American War of Independence.
It's OTTWeekender Time! In this week's Weekender we have a chat about a 90s old-school gaming classic that could end up helping is relive the 90s and that epic wargaming magic. Could Urban War help us relive it today in the here and now? We also take a look at an immense range of miniatures from SolGood Creations over on Kickstarter that should be a collector's dream!
Warlord Games are expanding on their Pike & Shotte Epic Battles range with some new miniature for the Scots Covenanters! You're now able to get your hands on a full Starter Army and more for those looking to dive into this 15mm (13.5mm) wargame set during the cut and thrust of the 17th Century.
Warhammer: The Old World’s Fate Hangs In The Balance – Will It Appease The Fans? #OTTWeekender
1 year ago 74It's OTTWeekender Time! We discuss the news from Games Workshop for Warhammer: The Old World. The fate of this game hangs in the balance and will it be enough to appease the fans, both new and old? Are people simply going to be returning to this game out of nostalgia?
1898 Miniaturas have now released their new range of Thirty Years War French Cavalry for you to send thundering into the midst of battle. There is a nice selection of 28mm Historical kits for you to choose from when creating your units with both pistol and sword at the ready!
Ace New NATO Forces WW3: Team Yankee 15mm Miniatures Incoming! Heat Up Your Cold War! #OTTWeekender
1 year ago 24It's OTT Weekender time! It's a big time to be diving into World War 3: Team Yankee with Battlefront Miniatures are they are launching the NATO Forces book soon alongside a whole host of awesome 15mm miniatures for a variety of different nations. You can play as the French, Canadians and more as NATO looks to hold back the Soviet advance in this Cold War Gone Hot!
In this week's Community Spotlight, we have a look at someone inpaitient for The Old World, a neat vignette of witchfinding goodness and some very small American Civil War armies.
Bloody Miniatures have been showing off some of the upcoming figures joining their English Civil War range in 28mm scale. There are two sets with The Flashing Blades charging onto the battlefield first for the Royalists.
Gerry is back with the team from Blood & Pigment to have a chat about the final results of their Blood & Plunder and Oak & Iron campaign, the Summer Of Plunder.
Sticking with a theme of the English Civil War for today, we have some new figures from Empress Miniatures for those diving into wargaming the period. Four new personalities have been added to their 28mm range, ready to lead the Parliamentarians and the Royalists on the battlefield.
Bloody Miniatures have put together a neat (and free) PDF on their website for those looking for some tips on painting miniatures from The English Civil War. They have a stunning range of 28mm miniatures for the period so it's neat to get some hobby help from the folks that make them look so nice!
1898 Miniaturas already have a sterling collection of 28mm miniatures for playing out the Thirty Years' War on the tabletop. After their summer break, some new releases are going to be coming out for the French alongside some Artillery too.
Wargames Soldiers & Strategy got some miniatures painted up recently by Kev Dallimore for the front cover of Issue 123. Dallimore is now putting those miniatures up for auction over on eBay with proceeds going to the Royal British Legion! Will you be bidding for these 28mm English Redcoats?
Gerry takes a look at more of the Historical miniatures coming out of Flags Of War for Border Wars: Under A Reiver Moon. In this Unboxing, Gerry gives a review of the Reivers On Foot, a full family of fighters that are looking to strike across the border between England and Scotland.
Gerry sits down with the team from Blood & Pigment to chat about how to take part in Blood & Pigment's Summer Of Plunder, a massive Blood & Plunder and Oak & Iron Global Campaign for the Historical wargame by Firelock Games.
PHALANX Games are revamping another awesome board game with new art and more. Unhappy King Charles, a brilliant board game set during the period of the English Civil War, is available for you to pre-order right now.
Blood & Pigment has now begun its Summer Of Plunder campaign! You can dive in and get playing some games of Blood & Plunder and Oak & Iron from Firelock Games as you feed into the unfolding clash for control of the Caribbean, South America and North America!
Blood & Pigment have been holding their Great Pirate Paint Off over the last while in the run-up to their Summer Of Plunder. We talked about the contest a while back now and the time has come for you to get stuck in and start voting as part of the people's choice segment of the competition. Get those finalists to a place of honour!
Join us to check out the Best Of Salute 2023 as we dive into some coverage from the event that we attended a couple of weeks ago. We got to chat to some great creators and clubs who were putting on fascinating games throughout the day.
The folks at BelloLudi have another big set of wargaming rules for you to scoop up that focus on the period of 1660-1721. The Big Battle Game rules are available for you to snap up from them and a whole host of different publishers too.
It's OTT Weekender time! After coming back from Warhammer Fest, Ben goes through the Good, The Bad and the downright Ugly as Games Workshop revealed loads more for Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Underworlds, The Old World and The Horus Heresy.
In this week's Gerry Can, we show you how to make Blood & Plunder Ship Sails out of real live honest to god canvas, because when you've rigged your sloop you probably want to make sure the sails don't look like lego marshmallows right?
Bloody Miniatures are back to bolster your 28mm English Civil War collection with some brand-new miniatures. Nick Collier has been working on the latest set of miniatures starting off with a neat set focused on The Witchfinder General.
In this week's Cult Of Games XLBS, the team discuss the best of Star Trek and after embracing a weekend of relaxation, they are ready to dive into some of the hobby as we see what folks have been getting up to in different wargaming worlds.
Tiger Miniatures are expanding their collection of 28mm miniatures with a range of 28mm Tudor Irish for use in your games set around the time of the Border Reivers! They have some noble fellows to lead the way alongside a core of followers to help build a warband with.
If you've not already done so, it might be worth diving into the new 2nd Edition of Mana Press' Tribal. This 28mm wargame allows you to play out pre-gunpowder clashes between tribal nations and offers up a different approach to the wargaming we're used to.
Battletech Mercenaries! NEW Big Mechs For Hire In Resurgent Wargame & Undead Unearthed #OTTWeekender
31It's OTT Weekender time! This week, Warren gets into the Spring Clean Challenge by unearthing a cemetery's worth of undead fiends for gaming with his kids and the Battletech Mercenaries provide some big guns and more for the hard Sci-Fi tabletop wargame.
Last year Flags of War launched a successful campaign to bring the Border Wars to the tabletop Under a Reiver Moon and now a new faction arrives as the Irish come prepared for war.
DecoQuest Workshop is in the home straight for their latest Kickstarter campaign and this time they've left the fantasy and science-fiction genres behind to explore the Highlands of Scotland in the 13th Century with a whole range of printable terrain.
It's OTT Weekender time! This week, we're looking at all of the news coming out of Adepticon for Warhammer 40k, Warhammer Age Of Sigmar, Kill Team and more. The BIG news was the announcement of Warhammer 40k 10th Edition which is going to be starting with FREE Rules for everyone!
Warlord Games have added some brand new pre-order options to their collection for those diving into Pike & Shotte Epic Battles. Some big personalities for the Thirty Years War and the English Civil War have been added into the mix to lead your small-scale (but massive!) armies.
Join us for a new episode of Cult Of Games XLBS! In this episode, we work out that Warren is a terrible D&D player and ask for some help in how we could approach building a BIG Historical wargaming army.
Gerry gets stuck into unboxing a set of six 28mm Cavalry miniatures from Firelock Games for use in their Historical miniature game, Blood & Plunder. A great set for use in your pirate wargaming!
We dive into a Blood & Plunder painting tutorial where John shows off how to paint the Sloop from Firelock Games for their 28mm piratical naval wargame.
In this week's Gerry Can, we dive into how to super detail your Blood & Plunder ships for use in Firelock Games' Historical wargame. No corners have been cut here!
Justin shows off the three army lists that he is going to be using for games of Blood & Plunder. There are a few to choose from that are going to be used in different scenarios. Artillery, ships and more have been painted up for this!
Blood & Pigment are running a "Great Pirate Paint Off" soon which leads up to their massive Summer Of Plunder later in 2023. Run in conjunction with Firelock Games and a bunch of other creators, they are looking to get your crews painted up and ready for an adventure on the high seas in Blood & Plunder.
Continuing our unboxing of the new Blood & Plunder plastic range, Gerry has a look at the set of twelve Native Americans from Firelock Games that you get for use in their Historical pirate wargame.
Judge Dredd; Check Out Block War & This Ace Sci-Fi Wargame From Warlord Games! #OTTWeekender
2 years ago 34It's OTT Weekender time! In this episode, we're having a look at the ace new Block War expansion from Warlord Games for their Judge Dredd Miniatures Game. Could this be the Sci-Fi skirmish game worth diving into if you've become disillusioned by Necromunda?
Warlord Games were not content with turning Waterloo and the American Civil War into an Epic Battles endeavour. They are now going to be delving into the heart of 17th Century Europe with Pike & Shotte: Epic Battles and a new set, Push Of Pikes.
Gerry and Justin sit down to talk about their 100, 150 and 200-point lists for use in their games of Blood & Plunder from Firelock Games. They also have a talk about the terrain they are going to be using across the three games.