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Saga - My Normans

Saga - My Normans

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First purchase

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 4
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First purchase

I had already purchased some Black Tree Designs Saxons by this point in my Saga collecting journey. Most of the feedback was that these were not excellent sculpts, leading to relatively average paint jobs and I think I agree. People liked my effort on their shields and bold colour choices, but the lack of detail did hamper my efforts. The price of the BTD minis was excellent at the time, but having looked deeper into the available companies and sculpts I do wish i had been less intent on getting the cheapest miniatures and taken the time to save a few more pounds and invested in nicer models.

My first Norman purchase was from a sale on at Wargames Foundry Miniatures. Norman Spearmen with kite shields. They are definitely plump and heroic scale, they are fairly old sculpts but i really liked some of the fun facial expressions and poses. I felt that these were a step up in quality compared to my Saxons. I wasn’t sure that i really liked the Conquest Games plastic Normans infantry I had also looked at. There are some lovely Footsore Miniatures for a great swathe of Dark Age factions now, but at the time some of these weren’t released yet. I am still ultimately happy with my choice even with the extra ranges available today.

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