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6mm Dieselkrieg

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Fieldstone walls tutorial

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 8
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Fieldstone walls tutorial

I got a question how I did my walls, so here is a quick tutorial for you guys as well.

I make the wall base from cereal box cardstock, the walls are double layered. I bend and cut them up for that organic old look you get in the countryside, but you can play around with this. I keep the base a bit larger than needed at this point, so I can weigh it down when the glue is drying, I only cut it back before painting the base green for the flock.

Then I glue sand to it, I filter my sand through a strainer to keep out the finest stuff.  I glue with full strength PVA first and seal with 3 to 1 watered down PVA second. While that is drying I try to fill in any empty spots I can find, especially on the top, the paper edge can show up after dry brushing.

When that is done, I prime with Vallejo surface primer, first layer of German medium grey. Then a black wash finishing with a wolf grey drybrush.

The base is painted with knarloc green base, followed by the flock. I glue this the same as the sand, full strength first than watered down. My flock is pretty bright so I tone it down with some soft tone army painter quick shade.

Finally I gue down some happy little bushes, bob ross style. Try to get some big dark bushes with smaller brighter ones right next to it for the best effect and there you go, a lot of work for a tiny wall!

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