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Burrows & Badgers - Painting & Gaming

Burrows & Badgers - Painting & Gaming

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My Basing Techniques

Tutoring 18
Skill 15
Idea 14
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So I thought I would document how I base my characters for Burrows & Badgers. It is very simple and easy to do. I start out with PVA glue and an Ash/Tundra basing material from GF9.

My Basing Techniques

After that, we get stuck in with some grass flock from Games Workshop which then helps to add to the idea of this being the tundra landscapes for the Northern frontiers within the world of Burrows & Badgers.

My Basing Techniques

The next step is to give a bit more of a 3D look to the bases and that comes from some of the tufts that you can buy from Great Escape Games.

I would love to go back over and add some flowers to these bases at well but I want to find a colour that works with the white of the bases – maybe a red?

My Basing Techniques

And finally, because I am a Mordheim player of days yore I paint my bases for skirmish games in brown.

My Basing Techniques

…and there we have it. The final three miniatures from my current collection are done.

I will be going into looking at building a new warband soon, probably themed around the idea of being all Mice I think to get the single species bonus.

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