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Brbla's Thunderwolf Cavalry

Brbla's Thunderwolf Cavalry

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Faces... Am I Mad?

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 5

Yesterday I set on painting the faces, hair and some more details like the runes on the shields, gems on the armour etc.

I tried to shade the faces, I might have overdone it so I feel like I’ll need to go back to them later still. The hair would also deserve some more attention so I think this is by no means done. But I tried to do the eyes, which you sadly can’t see on the pics, because my phone’s camera has a lot of problems focusing the minis, but… they are there! More or less…

Faces... Am I Mad?

With the runes I initially painted one shield with a very dark wash, and then thought that light colour might look quite good as well so I tried a light blue. I quite like the light ones, but ultimately Brbla wanted the dark ones so… one special snowflake!

Faces... Am I Mad?

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Cult of Games Member

My phone has similar issues when I use a background with any real pattern, like the wood grain of your table. Try a plain piece of paper under and see if it helps. I find grey or something off white also helps with color balance. Looking forward to seeing these guys completed so keep up the good work.

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