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Massive Darkness Kickstarter set

Massive Darkness Kickstarter set

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It's the Furniture!

Tutoring 0
Skill 4
Idea 0
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So hands up who loves painting doors?

…yeah, me neither. The only pay-off is that your game does look that bit better once the props are all painted. Just like a tabletop looks great once you’ve made the jump from random coffee mugs to scratch-built coolant storage facilities.

But lordy, is it boring to paint!

Easy and fairly quick, I guess. That’s the only other plus I can find. Slapping brown on a bunch of boards and then fast washes and drybrushes, it’s not long before you can move on to something interesting instead.

I very much have the mentality that the boring rubbish stuff needs to get done first, or it never gets done. So all these chests, doors, pillars and bridges were amongst the first parts of this project I tackled. Dull though it was, I did kind of get excited by the doors. Because they really open! Just like Advanced Heroquest used to! Ah, those good old days.

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