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40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

40k Space Wolves & Daemons Boot Sale Bargain - Help Lawnor identify and fix please (Spring Cleaning)

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I was helping my karate club run a stallat a school fete that had a boot sale of 6 cars attatched to it.  While handing out leaflets at the boot sale I saw a box with some GW in it, and a couple of drawers too.  I asked how much it was and they said £10.  I assumed per tank but then they said it was for everything, not just the box.  I don’t play 40k but how can I say no to that when I’ve already seen a few tanks and 2 winged deamons and a spiderbot.

I’ve spent the last half an hour or so photographing the bigger items and I’m about to list them here.  Could you please help me work out whats what, and work out whats missing from them.  I’d love close up images of missing parts.  I have a large bits box.  I might have the parts, if I can identify them.

Does GW have some way I can order missing parts?

Some of these models are thick with dust.  Is it OK to just run them under the tap and take a toothbrush to them, or does that just make the durst run in to the hard to reach places, making things worse?


Any thoughts on stripping the paint from the tanks?  They’re too big to fit in a jam jar of Dettol.  Or will I be fine just priming over the top?

The Box.  I managed to get it all in there, but the lid isn't going to close all the way without something breaking!The Box. I managed to get it all in there, but the lid isn't going to close all the way without something breaking!

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GW stopped selling spare parts about 15 years ago. There are some websites that sell bits off sprues if you search online.

To dust the models I would recommend starting with a large make-up brush. They are soft enough to not damage the models. If you have to use water do it over a sealed container rather than an open sink – you don’t want parts to fall off and fall down the drain.

If the paint on the tanks sin’t too thick you can get away with priming over the top.


Ref stripping the paint, I have found Biostrip 20 to be mana from heaven. most stuff you can dip it put it to wone side for 10-20 minutes, then scrubbing with a toothbrush under warm running water gets rid of most of the paint on plastics & metals.

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