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Horus Heresy 500p Challenge: The Thousand Sons by Bothi

Horus Heresy 500p Challenge: The Thousand Sons by Bothi

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Disclaimer: This is the same as the side bar text 😀

A good friend and I ran a 500p Challenge over the course of the year. We each painted a 2000 pts 40k army in 4 blocks a 500 pts (hence the name of the challenge). Each block took 6 weeks. You can check it out here:


We had so much fun, that we wanted to do it again. This time it should be something special and we wanted to be more people. So we asked our friends and got 5 more people on board. And nearly all of us decided to paint up a Horus Heresy army. One is going another way, but still participating in the challenge.

Again we would try to paint a 2000 pts army in 4 parts. We decided to take a bit more time and have 2 month per block. As our start date is the 1st of November 2018, we should finish until the end of June 2019.

The rules are clear. You can built and prime as much as you want. But you are only allowed to paint the minis dedicated to one block in exactly that block. So slower painters don’t get discouraged by the success of the faster ones.

As you might have guessed by the name of the project: I am going for Thousand Sons. The most underestimated and misunderstood Legion of all times.

For Ahriman! (Magnus is a pussy).

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