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Burrows & Badgers - Painting & Gaming

Burrows & Badgers - Painting & Gaming

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More Painting - Beavers & Hares!

Tutoring 3
Skill 16
Idea 11

The Kickstarter for Burrows & Badgers arrived and with that, I begin painting again. I started out with the Hare Tavern Owner!

More Painting - Beavers & Hares!

You can see him above more or less completed save for a few highlights and such that I went through and finished up later. I loved getting back into painting these miniatures and I think fur is awesome!

They paint up so very quickly as well, with large areas of the miniature just needing block colours and a bit of highlighting after a wash to make them stand out.

Progress has now moved onto the Beaver from the set where I’m just putting in the base colours right now.

I’m going for a Crusader look as if he has been off fighting in a different land and has come back to see what needs smashing. A good healthy wash over this later and then picking out the other details is in order but it’s coming together nicely.

I am in serious need of some more undercoating spray so need to source some black and white soon!

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Cult of Games Member

Have you got a tavern for that hare to bartend? Could make for a fun scenario having a bar brawl. 😉

Cult of Games Member

They are looking good already. I’m very excited to start my own set of minis. They came in a wonderful plastic box, very sturdy.

For your barkeep, might I suggest Mantic’s Terrain Crate? (chuckle) I’m planning on using my tavern furniture with my Burrows and Badgers rewards.

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