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Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

Rangers of Shadow Deep - Solo play project

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Some zombies shamble on the double...

Tutoring 1
Skill 6
Idea 5
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Some zombies shamble on the double...

A zombie. Bit freshers and more eager than some of my others.
Made from a Warlord Games Celtic warrior torso and legs with a Mantic Games Ghoul or Zombie head.

He is going to beat a Ranger to death with his bloody stump. He’s hardcore. ?

Some zombies shamble on the double...
Some zombies shamble on the double...

Poor Goredon, alas he turned into a zombie in the dungeon. His blood lust saw him tear and wrench his hand free of the lone manacle securing him. Goredon caught his jailer napping and took his head as a snack.


Made from a Warlord Games Celtic warrior torso and legs with a Mantic Games Zombie head and the Zombie hand with the head attached.

The gore is made from dried Blood for the Blood God paint from the pot lid. ?

Some zombies shamble on the double...

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