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The Dwarrens

The Dwarrens

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First of the Dwarrens

Tutoring 12
Skill 13
Idea 13
First of the Dwarrens

There’s quite a few that needs painted, so I’m going through them fairly quickly, not spending too much time making perfect blends or aging and weathering them at all. Also, they’re only lightly glued to the bases, cause I’m expecting them to be snapped off and put on the round bases 🙂

These are the paints I’ve used so far. Unless I am adding new colors in, I will not repeat the list, cause I’ll be using this recipe as much I can throughout all the dwarves.

Unless otherwise noted, it’s Scale75 colors:
Skin: Basic Flesh, Reikland Fleshshade(GW), Golden Skin
Purple: Violet, Flat Black, Braineater Azure, Lendar’s Grey
Silver: Black Metal, Nuln Oil(GW), Heavy Metal
Black: Petroleum Grey, Flat Black, Birch
Wood: Brown Leather, Flat Black, Birch
Horns: Pale Skin, Seraphim Sepia(GW), Birch
Gold: Retributor Armor(GW), Reikland Fleshshade(GW), Auric Armor Gold(GW)
Cloth straps: Birch, Agrax Earthshade(GW) x2
Eyes: Petroleum grey, Birch, Flat Black
Bags: Dubai Brown, Agrax Earthshade(GW)
Red Beard: Kalahari Orange, Agrax Earthshade(GW), Birch
White Beard: Birch, Nuln Oil(GW) watered down, Titanium White (Schmincke)
Yellow Beard: Iroko, Seraphim Sepia(GW), Birch
Grey Beard: Rainy grey, Nuln Oil(GW) + Agrax Earthshade(GW) 50/50, Birch

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aurorainbagtorros Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Dwarren? Are they from Milton Keynes and have slight speech impediments?

Nice brush work on them though

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