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Star Wars Legion im Norden V

Star Wars Legion im Norden V

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Round 3

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 6

Another loss… and I’m starting to get tired. Round go over 2.5 hours so I’m 6+ hours in. Concentration is going nowhere because it already is rock.. whatsitcalled?

At first I took the lead… but thanks to “to fast playing” we finished the 4th round, had another round of “count the captured objectives” and my 2:1 lead became a 2:4 loss. Bummer.

Better luck next time!


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sundancerJoshua NicholsDennis Cross Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Finally found some rebels!

How does the tank perform in game? Worth the points?

Bad luck on the lossing the lead, but as long as you had fun!

I guess my next question is will you retool your list before heading to the next tourney or just keep playing for cool/story effect?

There’s a part of me that wants to try a tournament, but part of me that just wants to continue having pure fun and creating stories with my armies.


Great pictures, thanks for the batrep.

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