Another Age of Sigmar Soul Wars Project
Wot da flippin eck am I doing?
OK, long story shot. Stormcast Eternal army book says Evocators come in groups of five. Soul Wars box set came in groups of three, apparently to make me buy the Tempest of Souls wossname. Thing is, I got insurance payments in November, Christmas presents for my family (including two nieces) in December, I have to get my assistance unfrozen tomorrow, and I don’t bloody want to buy another flipping box set full of Stormcast and nighthaunts! I barely got half the Soul Wars box set assembled, let alone painted and you want me to pay $100 Canadian for another one? I’d say what I’m thinking but I don’t want to get banned.
Point is, I’ve been paying points for evocators I don’t have and I found a solution, if not necessarily a good one. A GW store had what looked like WD mags (except not, they were kind of weird) that came with a model for $10.00 each. I bought 2, and now I had two models to convert to Evocators.
Her’s the first one, that went pretty well. I took off the top of the staff (and the bottom, which I regret but whatever, too late) and pinned a staff top from the Empire Wizard (I do something for the bottom, maybe a bead.) Then I swapped a head and bobs your uncle.
The second one isn’t doing so well. I Took off the spiky halo on the staff but left the rest untouched. My big mistake here was trying to reposition the arm. I shaved the plastic off the wrong side so now I have a gap I’m going to greenstuff once I let the glue dry.
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