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Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

Warhammer Fantasy Revisited

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Feeling like I’m spending a lot of time on prep work at the moment. As in somewhere between a D&D 3.5 edition wizard and Batman as far as prep time goes… I’d say that the following shot is what’s presently on my workbench but the truth of the matter is that my work bench is full and the overflow is now invading my gaming table…

Some of my hobby goals for the rest of the calendar year.Some of my hobby goals for the rest of the calendar year.

On the left of shot are my High Elf Sea Patrol, who should now just need to be based and a final pass to pick out any required highlights or issues with chipping of the base layers.

At the front in white primer is Bretonnian force to go with the purple and white knights I did at the start of the year – a box of Fireforge Deus Vult Foot Sergeants, which will form 2 units of 24 men at arms, one with hand weapon and shields and one with spears and shields (shields to be added later to assist with painting and decalling – hey wow! ‘decalling’ is actually a word according to the OTT spellchecker…) , 2 units of 10 bowmen and a knight to lead the force (an old 5th ed Knight Errant as I don’t have anything more appropriate/imposing and am not planning on doing an order to Gamezone any time in the next couple of months). They’ll all get the same white and purple scheme as the knights, for the full retinue effect.

Behind them are 20 daemonettes, some converted with bits form the Shieldwolf Shield maiden kits to make it look as though some of them have shifted to a more humanoid form. Planning to try airbrushing these ones using the Vallejo Malefic Flesh paint set and see how we go. Beside them in a rather subtle shade of purple are a character and 2 units of foot for my mortal Slaanesh force. Models are ebay rescues, stripped, restored, primed in AP plate mail and then hit with 2 airbrush coats of Vallejo Purple Ink. Will detail up lots of pink and gold on the cloaks and armour respectively, then use an AP dip to tone everything back a little.

To the front right are some night goblins I’ve had kicking around for a while that I just didn’t want to paint black. I’ll do the fanatics in black and the characters in brown or grey maybe, but wanted the rank and file to be more of an eye-sore 🙂

And at the back my Pirates of Sartosa force, which I’m hoping to be able to sneak into Sharp Practice if I can sort a caribbean gaming table and a Spanish fort and garrison. In the meantime, simple colour scheme of Ivory, Cavalry Brown and Black Grey (all Vallejo) with a soft tone wash.

On top of that, I may have given into peer pressure (or more correctly, no pressure…) and committed to an orc force for Orktober. Link Here. Planning on getting everything assembled, based and primed by the end of the month so that I can start painting the first weekend of October. Project will be an old Mantic starter box – 2 units of 20 orcs on foot, 3 chariots, 10 boar boys and a few bases of snotlings/orclings. Will convert a BSB and see what I can do about a few appropriate characters to lead the force. I was thinking about opening a box of my Confrontation Orcs to use but then I took some aspirin and had a lie down. Don’t worry, everything’s OK, the box of Confrontation orcs is still safely in it’s original shrink-wrap 😉

Orktober projectOrktober project

In addition, finished my 2 blocks of 20 Avatars of War Plague Warriors with great weapons. well, I actually had 36 of these but some other Chaos character models who bumped the 2 units up to a more imposing size. They are up to the same standard as the rest of the force (ie ‘tabeltop’) so will park them here. Planning on running them as chosen just for giggles.


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evilsturayzryrRobert Recent comment authors
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Really want to see the Bright Goblins when they are done.


Great googily moogily @evilstu you’ve got a decent size chunk of work ahead of you!
Good to see you back, I hope you’ve been well ?

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