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My Warband, My Story: KOW Vanguard in the San Francisco Bay Area

My Warband, My Story: KOW Vanguard in the San Francisco Bay Area

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Ice & Iron campaign: Game 1 Break Through

Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 5
Set up a canyon using some of Gamescape San Francisco’s terrain. We played during the Wed. nights skirmish sessions .Set up a canyon using some of Gamescape San Francisco’s terrain. We played during the Wed. nights skirmish sessions .
Ice & Iron campaign: Game 1 Break Through

We were given a simple objective crush our way through the enemy line and off into the horizon.  Our small band Warband poised ready to tear into our next meal. Assemble left to right Abyssal Guard 1&2, DeathClaw the Despoiler, Hot Chick 1 The Succubus, and Crackhead the Gargoyle (proxy by the Seductress for this game). Our BBQ feasts were to be the stringy but sweet elves of Overthere. Round one was all movement and cover taking or bracing with my Warband. Second round my gargoyle got greedy and tried for some glory when the elf prince exposed himself. It was supposed to epic and it was, an epic failure that is. She fell first blood dragging herself off the field. Third round Archers made themselves pesky and one elf got himself charged. It didn’t go well for him. Meanwhile a tall spear had been maneuvering  himself nearly into the scoring area by the fourth  round. Guard 2 caught up to him. Both exchanges blows and saves. Dice is marking the scoring area.

More mayhem in the fourth. Archers peppering my Despoiler with arrows and even he took a wound just not enough to take him down. He did a great job shielding the succubus as she moved with him.. I group charged my pair into the pesky prince who had exposed himself earlier. Time to deal some slam and vicious with fatal attraction. Pesky prince can really take a pounding and give it back.

This was a slug fest the lasted the 4-5 rounds. Prince would get smashed, save and get back up and attack when he could, we would save and so on. In the meanwhile the contest in my border zone waged for the remainder of the game. An archer hopped the hedge in fifth without much luck. In the meantime one of Guards 1 was trying to sprint towards the elves score zone and took an arrow in the back from the other. Finally at the end of the fifth Succubus fell the prince and advanced over the hedge. We rolled for a 6th round it it began again. Archers firing, two warrior going at it in the contested zone. Tall spear finally fell, and the Succubus just getting off of the board by fatiguing a walk on herself. Team evil with 1vp for the game win. We collected quite a bit of campaign gold (16) but, the weather turned bad quickly. We saw Hot chick 1 running off to assist Crackhead who was dragging a badly mangled leg of the field. This injury looks costly. Hopefully once the white out dies down they will make their way back to the base camp.

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Cult of Games Member

Nice set up!

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